About Danhiko Project School

About Danhiko Project School


This exercise saw former combatants enrolling in academic cources studying such subjects as Mathematics, English, Accounts, Shona, Ndebele, Science, Commerce, Geography, Agriculture, Economics and History up to General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level.

Vocational and Skills training saw ex-combatants, thoe who could not enroll for academic education for the following courses:

  • Garment Construction

  • Furniture and Cabinet Making

  • Electronic Appliances Servicing and Repairs

The first 5 years of the project was exclusive to ex-combatants and upon completion of their courses, some of them joined the various arms of Government as civil servants. Some went into parastatals such as National Railways of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation/ TV just to mention but a few.

Some joined the Private Sector and others went into Informal Sector where they stablished their own businesses in Furniture Making, Garment Making and Radio and TV servicing and repairs.

Since they were now grown ups and could not get into formal schools and ome had become disabled due to injuries sustained in the war, there was need to establish an educational institution of their own.

Some combatants were absorded into the newly established ZNA others we demobilized but those injured could not or some were not educated enough to join the civil service or the private sector.

Danhiko is a shona word which means steps, a ladder in which the disabled, the disadvantaged or anyone else could climb from the ground to meet the summit of their aspirations and ability. It was this concept in mind that the Danhiko Project was established soon after Zimbabwe attained its Independence on 18 April 1981.

It was established in Mbare, a suburb in the central district of Harare and moved to its present location in 1982 as it was realized more space was required as the disused kitchen that housed it proved to be small.

Initially, Danhiko Project was established to provide education and skills training as well as rehabilitation to ex-combatants who had abandoned their education midway in order to take part in the war of liberation.


Danhiko’s vision is centred firmly on the deliverance of quality education, training and production for the disabled and the disadvantaged people within the society.



Danhiko’s Mission and Vision is centred firmly on the deliverance of quality education, skills training and production for people with disabilities and the disadvantaged within our society, for employment and self – employment.









Contact Us

123 Mutare Road

P O Box AY 179

Amby Msasa



Tel: +263 4 492909

Email: info@danhikoproject.org.zw
