Africa University Admission Requirements

Africa University Admission Requirements

    1. Fully completed application form. Download application form below :
    1. Proof of payment of a non-refundable application fee.

NB. Application fee for undergraduate programmes is US$25.00 and US$30.00 for graduate programmes. See Africa University bank details below.

    1. Certified copies of all academic certificates with official transcripts where applicable.
  1. Certified copy of your National Identification Document or valid Passport.
University bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Africa University
Bank: Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited
Branch Name: Mutare
Branch Code: 3504
Account Number: 9140000847290


Account Name : Africa University
Bank: CBZ Bank
Branch Name: Mutare
Account Number: 01322704290011

  1. At least 5 General Certificate of Education (G. C. E.) at Ordinary Level or equivalent with passes at C or better grades including English Language. Mathematics and Pure Science subjects for related degree programmes are a must.
  2. General Certificate of Education (G. C. E.) at Advanced Level or equivalent in at least 2 subjects in relevant areas of degrees of interest.
  1. A good first degree in relevant area and appropriate two years post Bachelor professional experience.