Bindura University of Science Education Faculty of Science And Engineering

Bindura University of Science Education Faculty of Science And Engineering


Welcome to our Faculty webpage

As the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, I am honoured to be at the helm of this unit as it works to become a beacon for research and innovation excellence.

As a Faculty, we also seek to be a champion for community outreach programmes and quality teaching. Another critical mission of the Faculty of Science and Engineering is to nurture and develop our students and to explore all opportunities that will facilitate advancements in Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM) disciplines as means of bolstering our national economy.

The recent introduction of Electronic Engineering in the Faculty necessitated the expansion of the faculty’s mandate to include the Engineering arm of STEM. Our expanding list of engineering programmes is viewed as a strategic way to widen our contribution to the national economy.

We also believe that the Health Sciences sector could provide innovations that would bode well for productive and healthy Zimbabwe. As Dean, I collaborate with the Faculty to equip our graduates with the know-how and expertise to develop goods and services that will benefit our nation. Under its new ‘Science 5.0’ drive, the Faculty seeks to achieve excellence in the new pillars of Science — as directed by Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology.

These pillars/areas of emphasis are (i) Teaching, (ii) Research, (iii) Innovation, (iv) Industrialisation and (v) Community Engagement. Through this initiative, the Faculty of Science and Engineering seeks to be an incubator for product and services advancement. A wider homegrown product and services base will ensure a more self-reliant Zimbabwe. It is my charge as Dean to motivate and inspire students and staff to achieve these goals.

Since its founding in 2012, the Faculty of Science and Engineering has grown from strength to strength. It now houses nine (9) dynamic Departments which offer undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes related to a wide range of Science disciplines.

The Departments are: (i) Biological Sciences, (ii) Chemistry, (iii) Engineering and Physics, (iv) Computer Science, (v) Geography, (vi) Health Sciences, (vii) Mathematics, (viii) Optometry, and (ix) Sports Science. Under these units, the Faculty houses thirteen (13) undergraduate programmes and nine (9) postgraduate programmes.

Our Vision
Faculty of Science and Engineering seeks to be a hub of knowledge and a beacon of excellence in teaching research, innovation and community engagement.

To contribute to sustainable development through excellence in teaching and learning, research, innovation and community engagement via Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines. The Faculty shall provide an environment that is welcoming and rewarding to its clients and members.

Core Values
In addition to the University Core Values, the Faculty embraces the following principles:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Client Centeredness

Faculty of Science and Engineering graduates are employed in International and Local Research and Development organizations, Cooperatives, Consultancy firms, Higher and Tertiary education institutions, Public-sector and community-based organizations. Graduates are also trained to be entrepreneurs so that they can manage their own businesses.


The Faculty of Science welcomes you. It is our sincere hope that you will enjoy the great learning and research opportunities we offer. We wish you success at our institution.

For more information regarding our programmes and services, please contact the Acting Executive Dean via these options:
Email: or
Phone: +263 71 366 9091 or +263 782 708530

Chairpersons of Departments and the Assistant Registrar can be contacted on:
Phone: +263 782 708530

Physical Address
Bindura University of Science Education
FSE Complex, Shashi View

Postal Address
Bindura University of Science Education
Faculty of Science
P. Bag 1020