BMT College Study Loans

BMT College Study Loans

Study Loans:
Complete section F (Financing Agreement) in the enrolment contract and select the repayment option that suits you best to repay your study fee in instalments. We highly recommend that you complete the debit order authorisation form (part of the enrolment contract) as debit order payments do not incur any interest. Please Note: We give preference to study loan applications that have signed valid debit order authorisations. Your studies will commence once we have received your first instalment.
BMT study loans are only available for studies with BMT College. BMT College is a Registered Credit Provider, registration number: NCRCP473.
We only award bursaries for the second and/or third year of full qualifications. First-year studies, short courses and skills programmes are excluded from bursaries.
For more detailed information on College policies and procedures please refer to the Study for Success guide.