BUSE Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Banking and Finance

BUSE Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Banking and Finance

Entry Requirements

To qualify for normal entry into the Bachelor of Commerce  (Honours) degree in Banking and Finance at Bindura University of Science Education, prospective students, in addition to satisfying the minimum conditions prescribed under the General Regulations, must

  • Have obtained at least five ‘O’ Level subjects including English Language and Mathematics passed with a Grade C or better,
  • Have obtained ‘A’ level passes in at least two of the following subjects: Accounting, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Studies and Management of Business.

NB: Special or Mature Entry admissions shall be in accordance with the General Regulations.

Programme Structure

Structure of the Programme

The programme shall be offered over a period of four years as follows:

Part I       Semester I                        Semester II
Part II      Semester I                        Semester II
Part III     Industrial Attachment
Part IV    Semester I                        Semester II

Assessment of Candidates

  • The assessment of Industrial Attachment shall require that a Panel of Examiners from the department determine, for each student, a coursework assessment mark, a final mark for student’s quarterly reports, and an overall mark. The Industrial Attachment mark would be based on;
    • the student’s Industrial or Organization supervisor(s) assessment reports       (50%),
    • assessment visits made by the student’s supervisor(s) to the Industry or Organization of attachment (20%) and
    • the student’s Industrial Training reports submitted to the student’s university supervisor (30%).
  • To be admitted for the examination for each course, a student must have attained a minimum score of 40% in the coursework. Each course shall be formally assessed through a two or three hour written examination at the end of the appropriate semester.
  • Each course will have a coursework component. The weightings of the Coursework and Examination shall be 30% and 70% of the final assessment, respectively.
  • All courses shall be assessed through coursework assessment and a formal  written examination.
  • The assessment of a Project Course shall be based on a dissertation submitted at a date determined by the Departmental Board. Students shall be notified of this date at the beginning of the Course. Students may be required to present a seminar, based on their projects, or to attend an oral examination on their respective projects.
  • The dissertation must be submitted on or before the due date. The student will submit two loose bound copies of the dissertation to the relevant department.
  • Two examiners will normally mark the dissertation.

Determination of Results

  • For each course and student, the Departmental Panel of Examiners shall determine a final mark and whether that student has passed that course.
  • Each Departmental Panel shall submit, for each course under its control and for each student enrolled in that course, the final mark and the result to the University Board of Examiners

Awarding and Classification of the Degree

To be eligible for the award of a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in Banking and Finance, a student must have:

  • accumulated a minimum of 160 credits and
  • passed all core courses in the Programme.

The degree shall be classified using the results of ten courses in each part including all core courses, which give the student the highest score. For Part III, the classification shall be based on the Industrial Attachment  only. The weighting shall be as follows:
Part I    =    20%
Part II    =    30%
Part III    =    10%
Part IV    =    40%

Publication of Results
Results shall be published in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations.


I Semester 1
Code Description Core Pre-Req Credits
AC101 Financial Accounting IA 4
AC102 Business Law Y 4
BS103 Business Communication Y 4
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Y 4
EC101 Economic Principles I 4
PC103 Communication Skills Y 4
Semester 2
AC107 Financial Accounting IB Y AC101 4
BS101 Business Administration 4
BS102 Quantitative Analysis for Business I 4
EC107 Economic Principles II Y EC101 4
HS101 HIV/AIDS Education Y 2
PC108 Citizenship Education and Conflict Transformation Y 4
II Semester 1
AC201 Financial Accounting IIA AC107 4
BS201 Quantitative Analysis for Business II Y BS102 4
BS203 Corporate Finance I 4
BS206 Management I 4
BS211 Taxation 4
BS215 Banking Theory and Practice Y 4
BS217 Information Systems Y 4
BS234 Marketing of Financial Services 4
Semester 2
AC202 Financial Accounting IIB AC201 4
BS209 Research Methods 4
BS212 Management II Y BS206 4
BS213 Corporate Finance II BS203 4
BS221 Treasury Management Y 4
BS226 Management of Financial Institutions 4
BS235 Banking Law Y AC102 4
III Semester 1 & 2
BS300 Industrial Attachment Y 40
IV Semester 1
BS400 Research Project Y BS209 12
BS401 Strategic Management 4
BS407 Project Management 4
BS410 Corporate Governance Y 4
BS419 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 4
BS420 Advanced Corporate Finance Y BS213 4
EC411 Monetary Economics Y EC107 4
Semester 2
BS408 Information Systems II BS217 4
BS416 Operations Research 4
BS421 Corporate Investment Banking Y 4
BS444 Risk Management and Derivative Securities Y 4
BS440 Strategic Financial Management BS 401 4
BS441 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Y 4
BS442 International Finance BS213 4
EC409 Money and Banking 4