By | May 3, 2019

BUSE Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours Degree in Forestry

Entry Requirements

All applicants have to meet  the following minimum requirements for admission prescribed under the general regulations (i.e.):

  • Have obtained at least five Ordinary Level subject passes including English Language and Mathematics passed with a grade C or better
  • At least 2 of the following ‘A’ level subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics and Physics

Structure of the Programme

Part 1
Code             Description   
ES101            Principles and Processes of Ecosystems
ES102            Introductory Soil Science
ES103            Introduction to Plant Science
ESN101         Introduction to Wildlife Resources
ES105            Introduction to Pollution Science
ESN103         Introduction to water resources
ES107            Introduction to Atmospheric Science
CS101            Introduction to Computer Science
ES113            Introductory Statistics
ES110            Introductory Social Anthropology
AG101            Introductory Economics
ES112            General Chemistry I
HS101           HIV/Aids Education
PC108           Citizenship Education & Conflict Transformation

PART II                                                                    
Code               Description   
ES201             Genesis and Classification
ES212             Research Methods
ES203             Land Management and Conservation
ES204             Land Evaluation
ES205             Natural Resources and Environmental Law
ES206             Environmental Systems and Computing
ES207             Environmental Botany
ES208             Plant Physiology
ES209             GIS and Remote Sensing
ES210             Environmental Management Systems
ESF201           Forest Measurement
ESF202           Forest Engineering
ESF203           Forest Genetics and Improvement
ESF204           Wood Science and Use
ESF205           Silviculture
ESF206           Forest Valuation
ES211             Environmental Impact Assessment

AG 301:          Research Project
AGP 301         Attachment

Part 4
Code               Description  
ES402             Curriculum Development
ES403             Organizational Behaviour
ES404             Agroforestry
ES405             Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology
ES407             Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
ES408             Land Reclamation and Revegetation
ES409             Fire Ecology
ES411             Environmental Policy
ESF401           Forest Economics and Policy
ESF402           Forest Protection
ESF403           Forest Resources Management
ESF404           Social Forestry
ESF405           Arboriculture and Amenity Forestry