BUSE Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree in Biological Sciences
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for admission, a candidate must have:
obtained a Certificate in Education/Diploma in Education or other recognizable teaching qualification from an acceptable institution where the subject of study was strongly represented;
have a pass in ‘A’ Level Biology;
have a good pass in ‘O’ Level English Language and Mathematics;
have had at least two years of approved teaching experience at an institution recognized by the University; and
may be required to pass a written/oral entrance examination set by the University in the subject to be studied.
Part I
Code Description
PC301 Curriculum Design, Implementation & Evaluation
PC102 Research Methods and Statistics
PC104 Citizenship Education
BZ101 Diversity of Life I
BZ102 Diversity of Life II
BZ411 Entomology & Parasitology
BZ312 Plant Physiology
BZ313 Invertebrate Biology
BZ314 Virology & Immunology
BZ202 Plant Form & Function
BZ204 Vertebrate Biology
BZ205 Evolutionary Botany
BZ107 Molecular & Cell Biology
BZ108 Genetics
BZ409 Human and Social Biology
BZ315 Molecular Genetics
BZ410 Agricultural Biology
Part 11
PC203 Advanced Pedagogics
PC204 History & Philosophy of Science
PC205 Educational Management
AS204 Applied Science Education
HS101 HIV/AIDS Education
BZ312 Plant Physiology
BZ311 Animal Physiology
BZ201 Ecology
BZ310 General Microbiology
BZ308 Biomathematics
BZ407 Biotechnology
BZ408 Applied Bacteriology & Mycology
BZ412 Applied Ecology
BZ420 Readings in Biology
BZ421 Lab Based Research Project
Part III
BZ370 or PC370 Project