By | May 3, 2019

BUSE Certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education and Counselling

Entry Requirements

The certificate in clinical pastoral education and counselling is a two semester course and it consist of :-

  • Clinical Pastoral Counselling
  • Advanced Pastoral Counselling

Entry Requirements:
All applicants have to meet  the following minimum requirements for admission prescribed under the general regulations (i.e.):

  • Five (5) “O” levels including English language
  • Theological Training obtained from a recognized theological college.
  • Formal and Recognized Ordination.
  • A minimum of three years of ministerial experience.
  • A special entry and mature entry admission in accordance with the general regulations.

Programme Structure

Structure of the Programme
Code                         Description
CPEC101                   Introduction to clinical education and counselling
CPEC102                   The church as an institution for attitudinal and behavioural change.
CPEC103                   Human sexuality and behaviour.
CPEC104                   HIV, AIDS and Society.
CPEC105                   Marriage and Family.
CEC106                      Death, dying and bereavement.
CPEC107                   Theories of pastoral Counselling.
CPEC108                   Clinical Counselling.
CPEC109                   Internship.
PC008                       Citizenship Educations and Conflict Transformation
PC002                       Communication Skills
CS101                       Introductions to Computer Applications

Programme Overview