BUSE Master of Science Education Degree in Measurement and Evaluation (MSc.Ed.ME) Degree)

BUSE Master of Science Education Degree in Measurement and Evaluation (MSc.Ed.ME) Degree)

Programme Overview

Biodiversity can only be managed, utilised and conserved when it can be measured and interpreted properly. This MSc programme in biodiversity conservation is distinct in its concentration on the biological principles underlying biodiversity, its assessment, utilisation and management/conservation. The MSc programme in Biodiversity Conservation is designed to prepare graduates for PhD studies or a career in biodiversity conservation. The degree programme offers a wide range of options allowing for personalised courses of study that lay the groundwork for further academic work and/or professional development in the field.


The programme shall:

  • prepare candidates for a career in  biodiversity conservation
  • offer vocational training in the area of biodiversity conservation in the face of climate change
  • prepare candidates for PhD studies. 

The content of the programme has an overarching aim to mitigate effects of climate change on Biodiversity and to uphold related international conventions. This shall ensure that the programme remains biologically relevant to the current world climatic phenomena.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the biological principles and institutional framework underlying biodiversity and its conservation,
  • Evaluate critically and apply scientific knowledge and skills, in the development and implementation of practical solutions to problems of biodiversity conservation,
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify plants and animals, and
  • Analyse and synthesise information relevant to biodiversity conservation.

Career Opportunities

Employment options for holders of MSc in Biodiversity Conservation are broad. Graduates seek employment with government agencies, universities, non-governmental companies, animal rescue centres, museums, and zoos. Some specific careers available to those with MSc degree include:

  • Conservation scientist
  • Museum Curator
  • Zoologist
  • Research scientists

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements
In order to qualify for postgraduate programme, a prospective student must:

  • have obtained 5 ‘O’ Level passes including English Language, Mathematics and any other subjects, with a Grade C or better; AND
  • students shall normally have a BSc. Honours Degree in either Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences or any other relevant Degree with at least a 2.2 grade or equivalent.
  • students with a Pass may be considered for the programme if they have at least two years relevant experience.

Programme Structure

Structure of Programme
Duration of the Programme and Structure
The programme shall consist of two academic years of full time or block release study.

Part 1 Semester 1                                A minimum of 4 including all core courses

Part 1 Semester 2                                A minimum of 4 including all core courses

Part 2 Semester 1 and 2                     Research Project


Code Description Core Credits
MBZ523 Biodiversity Conservation Biology Y 4
MBZ524 Statistical Modelling and Inference Y 4
MBZ 504 GIS, Remote Sensing & Landscape Ecology 4
MBZ 505 Conservation Genetics Y 4
MBZ 506 Demography, Population and Viability Analysis 4
MBZ 509 Aquatic Ecology and Water Resources Management 4
MBZ 510 Plant Ecology 4
MBZ525 Biodiversity and Climate change Y 4
MBZ 526 Social Ecology and Legislation 4
MBZ 527 Integrated Species Conservation and Management Y 4
MBZ 528 Wildlife Ecology 4
MG503 Environmental Impact Assessment 4
PART 2.      SEMESTER 1 and 2
MBZ 600 Dissertation         Y 24