CAO Application Form South Africa

CAO Application Form South Africa

Step 1 – Register on the CAO system in advance of the closing date to obtain your CAO application number

  1. Go online at and click on Apply.
  2. Enter your personal details carefully.
  3. Supply a valid email address. Please note that CAO, and the HEIs to which you apply, may wish to communicate with you about your application and they may contact you by email, post or SMS text message.
  4. Select the qualifications and assessments section(s) that are relevant to you (there may be more than one relevant section – see page 5 for more information).
  5. Select your payment method. If you are paying by credit or debit card you will be redirected to a payment screen. All payment card transactions are handled by Realex Payments – no payment card details will be stored on the CAO system. Once your payment has been processed, you will be brought back to the CAO website to complete the remaining steps.
  6. Create a password. If you forget your password you can use the forgotten password facility. You will need your CAO application number, date of birth and the registered email address for your account to be able to automatically reset your password. If you experience difficulty resetting your password, email CAO using the Contact facility.
  7. You must then click on ‘Proceed with application’ to obtain your CAO application number. Your application details will appear on screen and you will also receive an email containing your CAO application number. If you do not receive an email with your application number, your application has not been processed successfully.

Please note: You should enter your name as it appears on your Birth Certificate or Passport. If you wish to apply under a different name, HEIs will require proof of identification at registration.