CAO South Africa Important Correspondence

CAO South Africa Important Correspondence

CAO will communicate with applicants via post and email, and in some instances telephone and SMS text message, at various intervals throughout the application process. All CAO correspondence must be read carefully and any errors or omissions notified to CAO immediately via the Contact form on our website

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all relevant correspondence is received and dealt with appropriately. If an applicant is going to be absent at any stage between February and October, they should arrange for someone to deal quickly with their correspondence. Failure to respond may have very serious consequences, e.g. you may not receive an offer. Please make sure to check the email account provided at the application stage and carefully read the Statement of Application Record issued to all applicants in May.

At the offers stage, applicants will receive an Offer Notice if they are deemed eligible for an offer, or another Statement of Application Record if they have not been deemed eligible for an offer in Round One.

Some HEIs will also contact applicants directly by post, email or SMS text message. You should periodically check your spam, bulk, promotional or junk mail folders. If you find emails from CAO or HEIs are being directed to these folders, you should consider adding these email addresses to your contacts or email address book.

About CAO South Africa
CAO South Africa Handbook