Catholic University Of Zimbabwe MBA

Catholic University Of Zimbabwe MBA

We are moving with the global vision to develop employers and business owners who are incubated through a world class coaching. The program targets candidates from all fields, who will experience a practical assessment in their learning, exchanging ideas and knowledge with reputable captains of industry and global business consultants. The MBA is first of its kind in the Southern African region and it is through the Catholic University of Zimbabwe that the program will grow to be known in the region and beyond. The program is moving with the national vision for Industrialization and Sustainable Development as its mandate is to also develop the youths and women to form and run own businesses. We invite all potential candidates across the world for an exciting and self-empowering qualification.

We do not teach entrepreneurship, We train entrepreneurs


Candidates must be strongly oriented to being an entrepreneur. Specifically, prospective applicants must have:
  1. Business Project (either an existing company or a Start-UP, profit or non-profit) with strong social/environmental impact;
  2. A University degree or an equivalent qualification; English Proficiency; Computer and internet literacy; Regular access to IT resources.
  3. Candidates without a Bachelor’s degree but extensive business experience and a strong business idea, may be admitted to the MBA under exceptional circumstances.



The Academic year is divided into 2 Levels (Year 1 and Year 2).

The following is a list of courses that are on offer in the Academic year.

Level 1 Semester 1 Courses
GMBA101 Business Model Design & Creativity
GMBA102 Human Resources Management
GMBA103 Management/Basic Accounting
GMBA104 Entrepreneurial Marketing & Market Analysis
GMBA105 Social Impact Measurement
GMBA106 Financial Planning & Reporting
GMBA107 Entrepreneurial Business Ethics

Level 1 Semester 2 Courses
GMBA108 Business Strategy and Scaling
GMBA109 Business Planning and Structuring for Entrepreneurs
GMBA110 Operations & Project Management
GMBA112 Cooperate Governance & Legal Issues
GMBA113 Business Law & Taxation
GMBA114 Leadership

Level 2 Semester 3 Courses
GMBA115 Principles of Corporate Finance
GMBA116 Change Management for Business Growth
GMBA117 Entrepreneurial Finance
GMBA118 Organisational Behaviour for Growing business
GMBA119 Business Communication
GMBA120 Business Research Methods & Statistics

Any One of the following electives
GMBA121 International Marketing
GMBA122 Industrial Organisation
GMBA123 Managerial economics
GMBA124 E-Commerce
GMBA125 Industrial Relations
GMBA126 Public Sector Management

Level 4
GMBA128 Dessertation



per Semester

  •  Application Fees $50
  •  Tuition and levies$1000

The Catholic University of Zimbabwe …

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Christian Environment
Christian Environment