Catholic University Of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil

By | May 13, 2019

Catholic University Of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil

Our aim is to align with global dynamism in research and development so as to resolve complexities in industries and societies. The Catholic University of Zimbabwe is a hub for innovative research that is driven by individuals, groups and institutions. The main beneficiaries are the households, industries and government who are the key drivers for economic and social development. The postgraduate studies span across all academic disciplines that is business, humanities, science and technology. We take research as one of the main pillars for success amongst lecturing and social service. In this perspective as an institution that is based on multi-approach in academics, our department for postgraduate studies provides taught Masters degrees, Master of Philosophy (purely by research) and Doctor of Philosophy (purely by research).


1.1 The Senate shall be the final authority for the interpretation of these regulations.
1.2 The Senate reserves the right to alter, amend, cancel, suspend or replace any of these regulations.
1.3 The Senate has the power to exempt any student from any of the regulations.
1.4 A student who has started a programme of study following one set of regulations shall not be affected by regulations subsequently adopted unless agreed to in writing by the student.


In these regulations, the following shall be used as described:

Term Description
Academic year: means, for a postgraduate student registered on an MPhil or DPhil programme, the 12 months/52 weeks cycle, effective from the first day the student is registered on the programme.
Associate Supervisor: means an appropriately qualified academic/researcher appointed to assist in the supervision of a student, in particular in areas of his/her expertise.
Thesis: means a written report documenting and describing the research process, findings and analysis of a research project. It is submitted by a student in fulfilment for the award of a postgraduate degree.
Examiner: means a person with the relevant expertise appointed under these Regulations to examine a thesis submitted by a student.
Field of study/research: means a defined and recognized component of a subject within which the specific area chosen is contained.
Plagiarism: means the submission by a student of the work of another person as his/her own, or the unattributed / unacknowledgement incorporation of all or part of the work of another person, either deliberately or negligently, into a work being produced for academic assessment and/or examination.
Programme: means a plan of study lasting over a specified period of time which leads to the award of an MPhil/DPhil degree of the University.
Progress reports: means reports written by the student and the Supervisor (Student’s Progress Report and Supervisor’s Progress Report), cataloguing and explicating work done, achievements attained, against the plan of action in a research project for a degree programme. The student’s report should also indicate stages to be undertaken in a given time frame.
Supervisor: An academic member of staff of the University or approved institution, appointed under these Regulations, with the responsibility of guiding a particular student with his/her research and monitoring progress thereof.
Research: means a careful study or investigation of a perceived problem or phenomenon leading to the discovery of new facts or information as well as an improved understanding of known facts or phenomenon.
Title of thesis: means a concise statement that describes the subject and topic of the research to be carried out and then reported in a thesis.
Viva voce: means an examination conducted orally or in an interview format by the Faculty Board of Examiners in line with the relevant provision of the General Academic Regulations, to evaluate the skill or knowledge of a candidate on his/her thesis through a set of questions or exercises.



The University offers the following postgraduate degrees, carried out primarily through supervised research work:

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)

These degrees are offered in all Faculties and Departments of the University.

The degrees may include an element of coursework not exceeding 25% of the total Programme. Fields of study or research are determined by Senate on the recommendation of the Department and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee concerned.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Entry Requirements

  1. An applicant must have passed English Language at Ordinary Level or approved equivalent.
  2. Normally, an applicant must have obtained an appropriate Honours Degree in the Upper Second or higher Division.
  3. An applicant who has obtained an appropriate Honours Degree in the Lower Second Division may be considered provided that he/she has achieved First or Upper Second Class performance in their intended field of study.
  4. An applicant who has obtained a non-honours degree or approved equivalent qualification and has relevant experience may be considered by Senate on the recommendation of the Department and the Dean concerned. Such an applicant may be required to pass a qualifying examination set and organised by the Department concerned who shall inform Senate, through the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee of the results of the examination. The candidate must satisfy the examiners in the qualifying examination prior to Senate’s deciding on their acceptability for admission.
Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)

Entry Requirements

  1. An applicant must have obtained an appropriate Masters Degree or have satisfied the requirements for transfer of registration from the MPhil Degree to the DPhil degree.