Central University Of Technology Admission Points APS
Students register for a three-year national diploma, after which – pending approval by the Head of Department – they qualify to enrol for a fourth year of study to obtain the Baccalaureus Technologiae and/or Bachelor’s degree in those programmes in which such degrees are offered. An exciting opportunity at the certificate level is available in certain programmes. Education students register for a four-year degree, after which – pending approval by the Head of Department – they qualify for the BEd Hons degree.
Applied research is accorded high priority at CUT. Structures have therefore been created to carry out this important task with excellence. Although an urgent need exists for practically oriented contractual and developmental research, there are also ample opportunities for staff and students to conduct research with a view to improving their qualifications.
A Graduate School has also been established with the primary aim of overseeing the development of research at the postgraduate level.
In light of the new National Senior Certificate (NSC) that was introduced in 2008, two sets of criteria are used for admission to CUT. Candidates who obtained the Senior Certificate in 2007 or before will still be evaluated and selected for admission on the basis of the old scoring scale, while candidates who obtained the NSC in 2008 and thereafter will be evaluated on the basis of the new scoring scale. Both these scales are discussed in more detail in the paragraphs that follow.
Pass level |
Matric pass level and options explained |
Certificate | A certificate pass requires a 40% pass in your home language, 2 subjects above 40%, 4 subjects above 30% and you may fail 1 subject. This pass allows you to study for a higher certificate. Programmes at CUT |
Diploma | A diploma pass requires 40% in four higher credit subjects, 30% in three lower credit subjects, and you may fail one subject. With this pass, you can enrol for a bridging course at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a diploma course at a university of technology. To receive a diploma pass, a student must:
If the student opts for TVET college and would like to transfer to CUT at a later stage, the requirements for N level qualifications can be viewed here. |
Bachelor’s Degree | A bachelor’s pass means you can apply for a degree course at a university or university of technology and can study for a higher certificate, diploma or bachelor’s degree. To achieve a bachelor’s pass, you must:
Programmes athttps://zwadmissions.com/central-university-of-technology-cut-courses-offered/ CUT |
Central University Of Technology Application Closing Dates
Central University Of Technology CUT NBT
CUT Admission Requirements For Further Education And Training (FET/TVET) Students
Central University Of Technology CUT Courses Offered