Chinhoyi University of Technology Master of Science in Data Analytics

Chinhoyi University of Technology Master of Science in Data Analytics


The Master of Science degree in Data Analytics is designed to equip business professionals, mathematicians, information technologists, economists and social scientists with specific tools and techniques involved in analytics to create value and wealth. The programme focuses on data and analytics combining a strong academic programme with practical applications tied to strategic decision making.

The Master of Science Degree in Data Analytics comprises three taught Semesters followed by a Dissertation.


To be admitted into the programme, applicants must have: A good first degree with least a 2.1 degree class or a GPA of 2.4. in any recognized discipline from any approved university or institution of higher learning. Or have least 2.2 degree class and 2 years industrial experience. A strong quantitative background and/or mathematical computation

Department contacts:

Email :,

+263 067 2129447

Programme Structure

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