By | May 6, 2019

Chinhoyi University of Technology Natural Sciences & Mathematics


The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SNSM) was established in year 2013. It is home to the natural science departments of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. SNSM provides excellent preparation of students in natural sciences for easy transition into higher degrees studies and fulfilling and lucrative careers through its innovative BSc. (Hons) programmes in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. All our degree programmes are accredited by the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE). Our pioneer undergraduates commenced their studies during the second quarter of year 2014 and are due to complete their studies in the year 2018. M Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in biology, chemistry, and physics are also on offer in the school while plans are at an advanced stage to offer taught Masters programmes in these areas. Though relatively young, SNSM is already seized with advancing scientific knowledge through research informed teaching and learning as well as building a world-reputation for success in life-changing research aimed at improving the quality of life of both humans and animals in a sustainable manner. In pursuit of this noble goal, the school is already directing its energy during its early stages

  • to develop and sustain dedicated research cores of excellence and advanced training,
  • to reaching out and forming international research alliances through advanced workshops and training programmes, undertaking life-changing research of high societal impact and the development of an expertise database.

Therefore, it is with much pleasure that SNSM announces its recent international partnership with Seeding Labs Inc., USA in setting up science teaching and research (STAR) laboratories (STAR Labs) awarded Sept 2013. The STAR Labs will prove critical in SNSM embarking on ground breaking research and research informed teaching in water, health, environment, nanotechnology, energy, food security, biotechnology and information and telecommunication technology (ICT). SNSM continues making contact with potential local partners, especially the private sector, through dialogue and proposals to fund promising research and development initiatives. Alongside this exciting development, SNSM continue to attract and retain senior academics with doctorate degrees now representing 54% of our academic staff. Research interests of our senior academic span a wide range of areas of focus including biophysics, bio-photonics, imaging, developmental biology, computational chemistry, physics, biology, bio-photonics, material science, nano-science, fluid dynamics, genetics, molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, polymer chemistry, scientific computing and dynamical systems, among other interests. Our senior academic are playing a significant role of developing world class research competitiveness and scientific critical mass.

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+263(0)6722203Ext 126