Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Requirements
Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Requirements
Coastal KZN Tvet College Admission Requirements – See Details Below:
Admission Criteria For New Enrolments
4.1 Students who endeavour to enrol for Report 191Business Studies – N4-NS must have passed either NCV Level 4 (21 subjects – from L2-L4); or have obtained a National Senior Certificate (Matric). Previous subject studies and direction will influence course enrolment.
4.1.1 In addition – for the Management Assistant N4 program, students must have passed Grade 12 Typing or Compu-typing. If this criterion is not met, students must enrol for the Introductory Business Studies N4 program for the first Semester and in the second Semester,may proceed to the N4 program if he/she successfully passed the introductory program.
4.1.2 In addition -for the Financial Management N4 program, students must have passed Grade 12 Accounting. If this criterion is not met, students must enrol for the Introductory Business Studies N4 program for the first Semester and do the Introductory Accounting N4 and in the second Semester, may proceed to the N4 program if he/she successfully passed the introductory program.4.2 Students who endeavour to enrol for Report 191Engineering Studies N2 must have passed at least Grade 10-Grade 12 Mathematics (and not Mathematical Literacy); if the student has done Mathematical Literacy, he/she must enrol for Report 191Engineering Studies Nl. School levels and subjects passed and/or other previous studies will influence your enrolment into specific courses and/or levels. A RPL process will be conducted at the enrolment process.
4.3 Please note that for Electrical engineering,students may, on applying for employment, be required to pass a Colour competency test.
Progression Criteria And Enrolment Information
5.1 For all courses (besides Tourism and Multi-Disciplinary Drawing Office Practice), the following promotional criteria will apply:
• A student must pass at least 3 subjects with a percentage of 40% or more to be promoted to the next level.
5.2 For Tourism & MDDOP the following pass/promotional criterion will apply:
• A student must pass at least 3 subjects with the following percentages:
Admission Criteria For New Enrolments- NCV
4.1. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2 Business and General Studies programs must have completed and passed Grade 10-11; and Grade 12 with Mathematics for the Information & Technology as well as Finance,Economics & Accounting programs.
4.2. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2- all Engineering Studies must have completed and passed a minimum of Grade 10-11Mathematics (not Mathematical Literacy).
4.3. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 2 Electrical Construction – may, on applying for employment,be required to pass a Colour competency test.
Progression Criteria
5.1. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 3 must have already passed a minimum of 5 NCV Level 2 subjects.
5.2. Students who endeavour to enrol for NCV Level 4 must have already passed all 7 Level 2 subjects as well as a minimum of 5 NCV Level 3 subjects.
6. Supplementary Exams- Ncv Only:
6.1. Only students who have passed a minimum of three subjects will be permitted to register and write the supplementary exam if they meet the sub-minimum requirements. Students who have passed less than three subjects may register as full-time (repeating) students,space permitting.
6.2. The sub-minimum Final November examination marks required for entry to a supplementary exam are:
6.2.1. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (25%- 29%)
6.2.2. English (First AdditionalLanguage) {35%- 39%)
6.2.3. Life Orientation {35%- 39%)
6.2.4. Vocational & Core subjects (45%- 49%)
(Students who achieve Jess than the minimum sub-minimum marks indicated will not be eligible to sit the supplementary exam. The student needs to enter for a full-time/recovery programme)
6.3. If these subjects are failed again in the Supplementary exam, the student will need to attend a full time class or recovery programme for these subjects and re-write the November examination. The student will be responsible for the payment of the re-write fee per subject.