Denver Secondary School Johannesburg

By | August 14, 2022

Denver Secondary School Johannesburg

Denver Secondary School Johannesburg | Denver Secondary School, Johannesburg is one of the best high schools in Johannesburg. We have gathered information about the Courses offered, Applications, How to Apply and Contact Details below.

Denver Secondary School Courses Offered

General Education and Training (GET):

Grades 8 and 9 do all compulsory subjects, plus a choice of Isixhosa, French, Visual Arts and

Afrikaans Additional Language (GET) First Additional Language Afrikaans

AP Maths (GET) Introductory course in calculus

Creative Arts (GET) Introduction to visual arts, music and dramatic arts

Digital Technology (GET) The use of computers, applications and Internet technologies to enable users to create and manage information and solve real-life problems using end-user applications, computational thinking and coding.

Economic Management Science (GET)Introduction to business studies and accounting

English Home Language (GET)Home Language English

Guidance (GET)In addition to the Life Orientation programme

isiXhosa First Additional Language (GET)First Additional Language isiXhosa

Life Orientation (GET)Holistic development of pupils, including social, personal, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical

Mathematics (GET)This is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement

Music Additional Subject (GET)An opportunity for a pupil to learn to play a musical instrument from the wide variety of instruments on offer. This is the portal for contribution to the extensive band program.

Natural Sciences (GET)A branch of science that deals with the physical world, e.g. physics, chemistry, geology, biology

Social Sciences (GET)The scientific study of human society and social relationships: introductory history and geography

Further Education and Training (FET)

Grades 10, 11 and 12 complete the following compulsory subjects: English (Home Language), Afrikaans (1st Additional Language) or Isixhosa (1st Additional Language), Mathematics or Maths Literacy and Life Orientation
Choice Subjects to make up seven subjects: Physical Science, Life Science, Music, French (1nd Additional), Geography, History, Visual Arts, Economics, Accounting, Information Technology.

Cambridge GCSE, ‘AS’ and ‘A’ Levels.

In addition to the normal FET Curriculum, senior SACS students may choose to take GCSE in Maths and A-level Cambridge subjects in English, Mathematics, Biology or Chemistry. The students will commence these in their Grade 8 year for GCSE Maths and Grade 10 year and
complete in May of their Grade 12 Year.

Disclaimer: Contact the school to make sure all the available courses are offered before applying for your wards.

Denver Secondary School Application

Anyone wishing to apply for any Grade is invited to read the documents below. Your application will be placed on the waiting list. 

The admissions policy, the payment of school fees and the Notice of address document must be read and understood before you proceed to the application process. What will you need in order to apply?

  • An email account
  • ID document of the child
  • ID documents of the parents/guardians
  • Proof of address
  • The most recent report for the child

Follow this link to start the application process, you will need an ID number and an email address in order to complete the process. Please do not submit multiple applications for the same child.

Denver Secondary School Contact Details

Feel free to contact us using the web form provided below or you can contact our office at:

70 Bezuidenhout Avenue – Bezuidenhout  Johannesburg 2094Highlights info row image

 011 618 3538Highlights info row image

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