By | May 15, 2019

Gweru Polytechnic Library

Mission Statement
The mission of the Gweru Polytechnic College Library is to foster the research for knowledge and understanding in the Polytechnic and the wider community.

Statement of Service Values
We listen and treat each other with respect.
We are responsive to our user communities
We share a commitment to learning in order to enhance our capabilities to provide good service.

We are committed to working as a team, sharing information and expertise.
We are committed to delivery of services in a helpful and courteous manner.
We are committed to delivery information using the most effective technologies available.

We are committed to maintaining with both the polytechnic and our users, a clean, attractive and secure library environment.
We are committed to acquiring, organizing preserving and enhancing the value of our resources.
WE are committed to providing accessible and reliable services, which are instructive, accurate, and timely

Loan Services
Borrowing Privileges/ Restrictions
Only staff members and students with a valid Gweru Polytechnic student ID and library Pockets may borrow materials. However, any interested person may consult the materials in the library.

Loan Periods
Loan periods and due dates vary among the staff and students. It I your responsibility to note due dates for materials and to return or to renew them by those dates.

Returning Materials
Library materials must be returned to the Library. Return materials to the circulation desk during library hour. After hours, leave material to the security personnel at the main gate and make sure all your details are recorded.

Most library materials are renewable except those indicated Short Loan. Material may be renewed in person.

Overdue and Lost or Damaged Materials
Library borrowers are responsible for returning or renewing items by their due dates. When an item becomes overdue, borrowing privileges will be blocked until the item is returned. Our Library charges a fine for overdue items.
If an item is damaged or lost, borrowers are liable for cost incurred to repair or replace the item. A borrower may replace lost or damaged materials with copies acceptable to the library. Such arrangements should be made with the Librarian before a replacement copy is purchased.


Opening Times

The Gweru Polytechnic Library is popular with the college community and the surrounding community and institutions.

It provides general library services as well as Internet services. Mission Statement The mission of the Gweru Polytechnic College Library is to foster the search for Knowledge and Understanding in the Polytechnic and the wider Community. Statement of Service Values

We are committed to working as a team and sharing expertise We are committed to delivering information using the most effective technologies available We are committed to acquiring, organizing, preserving and enhancing the value of our resources We are committed to providing accessible and reliable services, which are instructive, accurate and timely.