Harare Institute of Technology Chemical & Process Systems Engineering

Harare Institute of Technology Chemical & Process Systems Engineering

Chemical and Process Systems Engineering Department

CPSE is one of the key departments that constitute HIT’s School of Engineering and Technology. The department, through continuous research and development, embedded in the Institute’s HIT projects, is mainly concerned with conceptualization, design, construction, commissioning and safe operation of equipment and plants. It is at the core of the Institute’s mandate of technology development, incubation and transfer in areas of chemical and process systems engineering, water and sanitation, environmental engineering and renewable energy. We aim at cost effective and sustainable ways of converting raw materials to finished products for human use. The department is also at the centre of ensuring access to clean water, as well as a clean and safe environment by coming up with technologies with a positive socio-economic impact, notwithstanding the availability of sustainable and renewable energy.

Chemical and Process Systems Engineering Department – Programmes

To achieve its calling, the department runs a B-Tech and M-Tech programme with strategic courses that respond to the set mandate.

B-Tech Programme

The department offers a B-Tech (Hons) Degree in Chemical and Process Systems Engineering. Apart from the courses that have a chemical and process systems engineering thrust, our students are exposed to research and development as early as their second year of study through to Part IV. Our projects range from feasibility studies at Part II, process design and innovation at part III and capstone design at final year. The focus is to innovate on existing technologies or come up with new technologies that are bankable.

M-Tech Programme

Two M-Tech programmes are in offer: M-Tech in Petrochemical Engineering and M-Tech in Plant and Process Design Technology. Our programmes have been crafted in such a way that we respond to the national needs in terms of harnessing the local resources to create wealth through value addition and beneficiation. In terms of research and development, M-Tech programmes are meant to build on the capstone design projects and should be able to facilitate technology transfer.

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