Harare Institute of Technology Food Processing Technology

Harare Institute of Technology Food Processing Technology

Background History

Food processing is regarded as a priority industry due to its enormous impact and significance in the development and industrialisation potential in Zimbabwe. The importance of food & process engineering lies in the fact that it has the capability to provide food to our population through scientific conservations, eliminating available losses and making available more balanced and nutritious food. This approach not only ensures food security but also plays a huge role in promoting health since most diseases are related with diet. Recognizing the potential in this sector, the department was established at the inception of the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) as a degree awarding technology driven University. The Department has indeed been the flagship of HIT with its ground-breaking research, contribution towards manpower development through its distinct integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in its curriculum.

Departmental Destiny, Cause and Calling


To be a repository of skills, knowledge and innovation excellence in Food Technology globally


To develop professionals in the field of Food Technology through world class teaching, research, technopreneurial, and smart partnerships with industry.


To build our nation through industrialisation, research and intellectual property development in Food Technology.


Departmental Core values:

  • Professionalism: A commitment to a high standard of professional integrity and ethics.
  • Fostering creativity/innovation: Develop a culture for generating new ideas, processes, services, technologies and entrepreneurial skill.
  • Collaborative spirit: Culture of working cooperatively within the University and with other stakeholders; developing the “we” spirit and joint responsibility.
  • Excellence: Pursue excellence in every activity

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