Harare Institute of Technology Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Harare Institute of Technology Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department is one of five departments in the School of Engineering & Technology. It is a pioneering department, driving technology at the Harare Institute of Technology. Its students are trained to become top quality engineers in Zimbabwe and beyond, due to the Department’s hands-on approach.

Background History

The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at the Harare Institute of Technology, Zimbabwe is a dynamic department and is the hub of cutting edge Industrial and Manufacturing Technology in Zimbabwe. The Department offers an aspiring engineer the opportunity to study in a hands-on, technopreneurial environment. The department has provided several opportunities for students to prepare themselves as engineers with well-equipped laboratories, workshops and leading Engineering experts. This ensures that the Department remains at the forefront of the latest technology and makes our Institute the number one choice for prospective engineering students.

The Department offers robust, practical undergraduate and postgraduate programs and a stimulating environment for research. Our academic staff have received commendations for excellent research, peer-reviewed articles and have delivered contributions to both local and international conferences. The primary aim of the Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering programme is to produce graduates and technocrats of high calibre, who possess a thorough knowledge of scientific principles and engineering practices and have an appreciation of industrial and business environment in which the professional engineer works. The key development and trends in the converging disciplines of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering in the present decade and beyond, shape the nature of our programmes.


Destiny, Cause And Calling

Departmental Destiny: To be the leader in innovative education, research and development.

Departmental Cause: To facilitate the growth of individuals through world class teaching, imaginative research and scholarship, along with hands on application and industrial involvement.

Departmental Calling: To be the centre for innovation and improvement in the design, production and delivery of products and services


Departmental Core values:

  • Innovation
  • Quality knowledge delivery
  • Student-centred
  • Sustainability of technology
  • Community service

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