Harare Institute of Technology Industrial Sciences & Technology

Harare Institute of Technology Industrial Sciences & Technology

School of Industrial Sciences & Technology

Departments in the School

Introduction to the School

Education in application of sciences in industrial production, technopreneurship and design competencies in product development and innovation

The educational, research philosophy of the School of Industrial Science and Technology is “creating science and technology for nature, people and society and the harmonious development of both.” The objective of this school is to contribute to the cultural development by carrying out educational research on the principles of science and engineering and their applications, together with technical and technopreneurial pedagogy, to cultivate promising people with good character and an abundance of applied skills. In aiming to achieve this, all degree programmes under the school offer basic engineering courses coupled with practical project and design courses. All programmes have mandatory technopreneurship courses that run every semester of the 4 year (Hons) degree programmes. Practical project courses emphasise on design and project development and include the HIT 200 Team Project, HIT 300 Design & innovation Project and the HIT400 Capestone Design Project Design competencies are a must for a graduate studying any of the technology areas covered by the degree programmes on offer and they are a component of the practical projects and the final year project referred to as the Capestone Design Project.

All programmes have a mandatory internship / industrial attachment programme that takes 30 weeks and is taken in the second semester of Part III of every programme. Students are placed on internship with established industrial enterprises adhering to a training programme set by the department and the work / internship supervisor.Assesment is done through reports and visits by department lecturers who also assess progress in work done and output of the HIT 300 Design and Innovation Project.

The school’s quality assurance is achieved through internal instruments of peer reviews and student evaluations coupled with assessment by external examiners. The external examiners are responsible for assessing and evaluating set examination papers, approving their administration and moderating the marking done by internal examiners upon completion of end of semester examinations.

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