Inscape Design College Fees Structure

Inscape Design College Fees Structure

Early Bird & Standard Fee Payments

  • Upfront Payment

An upfront payment is made of the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE (including Tuition Fee and Compulsory Study Pack Fee).

  • Monthly Debit Order

Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 11 monthly instalments by debit order/credit card/eft payments. (4% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 11

  • Monthly Credit Card/EFT Payment

Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 11 monthly instalments by debit order/credit card/eft payments. (6% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 11
Late Fee Payments

  • Upfront Payment

An upfront payment is made of the TOTAL ANNUAL FEE (including Tuition Fee and Compulsory Study Pack Fee).

  • Monthly Debit Order

Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 10 monthly instalments by debit order/credit card/eft payments. (4% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 10

  • Monthly Credit Card/EFT Payment

Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 10 monthly instalments by debit order/credit card/eft payments. (6% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 10

  1. Bachelor of Design
  2. Bachelor of Arts Digital and Marketing Communication
  3. Bachelor of Arts Honours in Design
  4. Diploma in Graphic Design
  5. Diploma in Interior Design
  6. Advanced Diploma in User Experience Design
  7. Higher Certificate in Architectural Design
  8. Higher Certificate in Design Techniques
  9. Higher Certificate in Fashion Design
  10. Higher Certificate in Interior Decorating

Early Bird and Standard Fee Payments
Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 17 monthly instalments by Debit Order payments (4% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 17
Late Fee Payments
Pay an Enrolment Fee (10% of Total Fee) to secure your place and 17 monthly instalments by Credit Card/EFT payments (6% admin fee of Total Fee applies).
Number of instalments: 17

  1. Bachelor of Arts Honours in Design
  2. Advanced Diploma in User Experience Design


  1. Inscape includes the option to purchase a device (laptop or MacBook) as part of the learning package. When a student chooses to exclude a device, they are required to ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD). The device must meet the minimum specification requirements for the chosen qualification. The student is required to complete a Right of Use Agreement for the Institution to onboard the machine (provide relevant software, manage and maintain the device).
  2. Three device tiers are available to assist students in accessing quality higher education whilst receiving a device that they can afford. The packages are differentiated by device choices of varying performance and cost. Tier 1 is the entry-level device and is the absolute minimum requirement needed for the programme.

Device pricing and specifications will be made available from 1st June 2023.


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