Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Entry Requirements

Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Entry Requirements

Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Entry Requirements – See Details of Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Entry Requirement

The Management of Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic has announced the various Courses and their Entry Requirement Courses for 2019/2020 Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Intake. Prospective Students can check and apply for Admission.

Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Courses Entry Requirement

Commerce Division

Depaertment of Bussines Studies

  • National Certificate in Accountancy, Banking, and Finance, Public Sector Accounting

Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics and English Language.

  • National Diploma in Accountancy, Banking, and Finance, Public Sector Accounting (Three-year courses including one-year industrial attachment)

Entry Qualifications National certificate in the area of specialization.

  • Higher National Diploma in Accountancy, Banking, and Finance, Public Sector Accounting. (One year Course)

Entry Qualifications National Diploma in the area of specialization.

Department of Management Studies

  • National Certificate in Human resources Management, Purchasing, and Supply Management, Marketing Management, Micro-Enterprise Management, Health Service Management,Transport Management ,Secreterial Studies ,Records Management and Information Science .(One year Course).

Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics and English Language.

  • National Diploma in Human resources Management, Purchasing, and Supply Management, Marketing Management, Micro-Enterprise Management, Health Service Management, Transport Management, Secretarial Studies, Records Management and Information Science.( Three-year course including industrial attachment)

Entry Qualifications National Certficate in area of specialization

  • Higher National Diploma in Human resources Management, Purchasing, and Supply Management, Marketing Management, Micro-Enterprise Management, Health Service Management, Transport Management, Secretarial Studies, Records Management and Information Science. (One year Course).

Entry Qualifications National Diploma in area of specialization.

Department of Adult and Continuing Education

  • Further Education Trainers Certificate (F.E.T.C) (One year course)

Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics and English Language. possession of further qualifications such as a Certificate, Diploma or A Degree is a prerequisite.

  • Further Education Trainers’ Diploma (F.E.T.D)(One year course)\

Entry Qualifications Holders of a teaching qualification such as F.E.T.C, Trainers’ Certificate, IPMZ certificates or Diploma in Training Equivalent.

  • Diploma in Technical Vocational Education (Two year Course)

Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics and English Language.

possession of further qualifications such as a Certificate, Diploma or A Degree is a prerequisite.

  • Diploma in Community Development Studies

offered in Collaboration with Midlands State University (two year Course) Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics and English Language.

Technical Division

Department of Construction Engineering

  • National Certificate in Capentry and Joinery.(Three year Course)

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

  • National Certificate in bricklaying

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

Class four – One Trade Testing

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • National Certificate in Fabrication Engineering (Boiler Making and Welding) Three year Course.

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

Departmnent of Automotive Engineering

  • National Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Auto Electrics (Three year Course)

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

Department of Information Technology

  • National Certificate in Information Technology (One year Course)

Entry Qualifications 5 O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and /or a relevant NFC.

  • National Diploma in Information Technology (Three year Course inclusive of one-year industrial attachment)

Entry Qualifications National certificate in Information Technology.

Department of Applied Arts

  • National Certificate in Industrial Clothing, Design and Construction (One year Course)

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

  • National Diploma in Industrial Clothing, Design and Construction (Three year Course inclusive of one-year industrial attachment)

Entry Qualifications

National Certificate in industrial Clothing, Design, and Construction.

  • Higher National Diploma in Industrial Clothing, Design and Construction
Entry Qualifications'

National Diploma in industrial Clothing, Design, and Construction.

Department of Applied Sciences

  • National Certificate in Horticulture.(two-year course)

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.

  • National Certificate in Water and Waste Management. (two-year course)

Entry Qualifications

O level passes at Grade C or better including Mathematics, English Language, and Science.