By | June 9, 2022

Lephalale TVET College Application

Lephalale TVET College Online Application
Lephalale TVET College is an accredited Tvet college that is registered with the Limpopo Department of Education. Currently, the prestigious College has two campuses namely Lephalale Campus and Modimolle Campus.

Lephalale TVET College Application

Lephalale TVET College Online Application-How to Apply

Lephalale TVET College Online Application-How to Apply – Apply Here:
Lephalale TVET College Application Closing Date
Lephalale TVET College Application Form
Lephalale TVET College Online Application
Lephalale TVET College Application status
Lephalale TVET College Online Application status
Lephalale TVET College Courses Offered
Lephalale TVET College Fees Structure
Lephalale TVET College Prospectus
Lephalale TVET College Prospectus PDF
Lephalale TVET College Contact Address


Lephalale TVET College Admission Requirements
Lephalale TVET College Registration
Lephalale TVET College Online Registration


Lephalale TVET College Graduation Ceremony Date
Lephalale TVET College Graduation List
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Apply at Lephalale TVET College
Lephalale TVET College Academic Calendar
Lephalale TVET College Acceptance Letter
Lephalale TVET College Historical Background
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Lephalale TVET College Career
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                                 Online Application Details of Lephalale TVET College

Application Date: Applications are open throughout the year.
Before you apply to Lephalale TVET College you should have the following;

  • Proof of payment of your registration fee(compulsory for SA and International applicants)
    Certified copy of your ID document(ID document compulsory for SA citizens – your application cannot be processed without a certified copy of your ID and Passport Number for International Applicants
  • Exam Results: Final Grade 12 results (if available). Grade 11 results (if currently doing grade 12) are very important for your application. Thus, have it on hand.
  • Remember you will need a unique email address when applying either online or in a hard copy.

COURSES Offered BY Lephalale TVET College
The Institution offers a wide variety of courses that fit into the following categories:

  1. Electrical Infrastructure Construction
  2. Engineering and Related Design
  3. Hospitality
  4. Information and Computer Science
  5. Office Administration
  6. Engineering Courses and related
  7. Multi-Disciplinary Drawing Office Practice
  8. Business Studies
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Electrical Engineering
  11. Electronic Engineering

How to Obtain Application Forms
Application forms can be obtained from any of the Campuses: You can contact the central office with the contact information we have provided below:

Central Office

TEL: 014 763 2252

How to Apply to Capricorn TVET College

Below is step by step guide to Apply to Capricorn TVET College. Make sure to read everything we have written.

  •  Step 1: Acquire your application form at the school’s Campus. Make sure you apply within the application cycle to avoid your application being rejected.
  • Step 2: Fill in the form with all necessary document that is required of you to support your application.
  • Step 3: Remember you will need email address when filling the form, It is, therefore, advisable to create an email address if you don’t have one. Click here if you don’t have an email address. Also, remember to provide a valid cell Phone number when filling the forms because the school will text you if you are given admission.
  • Step 4: A full application submitted entirely must include the certified copy of your ID and a certified copy of your latest school results as stated above.

Lephalale TVET College Online Application

Lephalale main campus