By | May 18, 2019

Masvingo Teachers College Website

Masvingo Teachers College Website – Important information on Masvingo Teachers College website –

Before you access Masvingo Teachers College Website, start take a look at Masvingo Teachers College History.

Masvingo Teachers’ College opens doors to its first enrolment of 200 students at Morgenster Teachers’ College. The college moves to Andrew Luow (the current GZU main campus) offering the Zimbabwe Integrated Teacher Education Course (ZINTEC) on the model of  1-10-1. Masvingo Teachers’ College holds its first Graduation ceremony. The ZINTEC Programme is phased out

The 3-3-3 model is introduced to replace the ZINTEC  1-10-1 Programme. Newly built infrastructure at the college’s current site officially opened by the then President R. G. Mugabe. The 2-5-2 model is introduced to step up the rate of teacher production. The 2-5-2 model is phased out and the 3-3-3 is re-introduced. The 2-5-2 model is re-introduced to accelerate the rate of teacher production.

Masvingo Teachers’ College is given an additional mandate of training Secondary School Science teachers (STEP Programme). The college opens doors to its first enrolment of 120 STEP students majoring in Mathematics, Sciences, Geography and Agriculture

Meanwhile, the college has seen the need to keep abreast with developments in education in general and teacher education in particular. Contemporary studies like Communication Skills, Health and Life Skills, National and Strategic Studies, Early Childhood Development and Information and Communication Technology have been added to the college curriculum.

The college is geared towards the twenty-first century challenges through quality teacher education.To meet such challenges, the college boasts of a staff establishment of 108 lecturing staff who are highly qualified and 60 non-lecturing members of staff who are skilled in various fields.

To date, the college’s enrolment has increased greatly since its inception to above 2000. Such strides are in line with the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development’s Human Capital Development goals. In Febryary 2018, the college was given an additional mandate to train Secondary School Science Teachers. This new programme which is dubbed the Science Teacher Education Programme (STEP) started in earnest in May 2018 with an initial enrolment of 120 students majoring in Mathematics, Sciences, Geography and Agriculture. Click Here to Access Masvingo Teachers College Website –