National Benchmark Test NBT Past Question Papers

National Benchmark Test NBT Past Question Papers

National Benchmark Test NBT Past Question Papers

We’re sure there’re lots you’d like to know about the NBTs but have a look at some of the key points you need to remember.

  • There are two tests – the Academic and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) test and the Mathematics (MAT) test. And that’s all you need to know
  • The university faculty to which you are applying will determine which test you have to write, so check with them. Generally, the MAT test is reserved for those who wish to apply to courses that require Mathematics, such as Engineering and the Sciences.
  • There are no past papers or special study materials to prepare for the tests. The NBT assesses your prior knowledge – what you know and what you are able to do. Go to the NBT website to find out what is covered in the tests.
  • The duration of the tests is three hours each.
  • Even if you’re applying to more than one university, you need only write the tests once. The tests consist of multiple choice questions.
  • You should write the test in time to meet the university admission deadlines. If you are applying to more than one university, make sure you write in time to meet the earliest deadline.