Nelson Mandela University Undergraduate Application Closing Dates

Nelson Mandela University Undergraduate Application Closing Dates

Closing dates

Nelson Mandela University Undergraduate Application Closing Dates

1) Academic Online Applications

Prospective undergraduate, postgraduate and international students who wish to join Nelson Mandela University in  are invited to apply online.

  • Prospective undergraduate students who wish to join Nelson Mandela University in 2024 are invited to apply online as from April 2023.

    In order to ensure adequate time for application, processing and planning by the university and yourself, online applications for early admission in 2024 should be submitted by:

    • 30 June 2023 for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) applications.
    • 30 June 2023 for Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) & Bachelor of Radiography (BRad) applications.
    • 04 August 2023 for early applications (excluding MBChB, BPharm & BRad).
    • 30 September 2023 for late applications (excluding MBChB, BPharm & BRad).
    • 30 September 2023 for international student applications.

2) On-Campus Accommodation

  • Closing date: 30 September 2023

3) International Applicants 

International student applications (excluding MBChB): 30 September 2023 (application fee of R500)

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Nelson Mandela University Application Closing Dates