NWU Centre for Business Mathematics Department

NWU Centre for Business Mathematics Department

NWU Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics Department

NWU Centre for Business Mathematics Department – See Details Below:

The Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics® (Centre for BMI) was founded in 1997 as a joint initiative between the erstwhile Potchefstroom University (now North-West University) and ABSA Bank Limited (now Barclays Africa Group Limited). The primary aim was to establish a Centre of Excellence in financial risk/reward management training and research to supportthe South African financial services industry. The BMI-concept was developed following a similar relationship that existed at the time between Rabobank and the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam.

For more information, please download the BMI Profile (May 2017) that will give you an introduction of who and what BMI is all about.
All these fields are built on the foundation laid by the mathematical sciences (e.g. Statistics, Mathematics and Operational Research) as well as the economic and information sciences.
The quality assurance processes of the NWU require that academic programmes be externally evaluated every five years. During 2014, the MSc BMI (with specialisations in Quantitative Risk Management, Financial Mathematics and Business Analytics / Data Science) was evaluated by an eminent international panel consisting of, amongst others, Paul Sweeting (an actuary from the University of Kent and Deutsche Bank), Sandjai Buhlai (a data scientist from the Free University in the Netherlands) and Paul Fatti (Chairman of the panel and emeritus professor from Wits). The panel of industry and academic representatives, comprising eight members, awarded the MSc programme the highest possible assessment: a commendation. This is the second time that the BMI training and research programmes have received this rating from an evaluation panel, providing testimony of its excellent quality.