NWU Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department

NWU Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department

NWU Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department

NWU Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department – See Details Below:

Welcome to the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences is available on all three of the North-West University’s campuses under the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science. It comprised of two subject groups, namely Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Students are able to choose a programme that combines either of these two subject groups with other subject groups offered within the faculty.
On an undergraduate level students are offered a three year BSc Degree. Post graduate studies can be undertaken with a BSc Honours Degree, a Master’s Degree and finally a PhD as offered by the Faculty’s Unit for Business Mathematics and Informatics.
Students who excel in Mathematics (receive over 70% on matric level) are also able to apply to the Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics for undergraduate BSc degrees.
NWU Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department Admission Requirements