NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department

NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department

North West University NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Education Department

NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department – See Details Below:

Welcome to the School of Mathematics, Sciences and Technology Education. The school offers relevant, high-quality education and trains graduates to become effective teachers and to undertake high-quality research. The school comprises the following subject group clusters: Natural Sciences Education, Mathematics Education, Computer Science Education, Technology for Education, and Geography and Environmental Education.

The School of Mathematics, Sciences and Technology for Education is responsible for the Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programme whereby students with an appropriate undergraduate degree or diploma can be trained to become a teacher.
The school also offers the following:

  • Post-graduate programmes (BEd Hons, MEd and PhD) in Education, and
  • The presentation of various short learning programmes in which teachers can enhance their content knowledge and in which they are exposed to new methodologies that can help them to improve education in their classroom.

Students are equipped to contribute in innovative ways at both a national and international level. Our very able and dedicated staff are committed to ensuring that each student achieves his or her full potential.
NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department Courses
NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department Contact
NWU Mathematics Science and Technology Department Admission Requirements