Pan African Minerals University of Science and Technology Admissions 2023 – 2023

Pan African Minerals University of Science and Technology Admissions 2023 – 2023

The Pan African University (PAU) is the culmination of continental initiatives of the Commission of the African Union to revitalize higher education and research in Africa, under the Second Decade of Education for Africa and the consolidated Plan of Action of Science and Technology for Africa. It will exemplify excellence, enhance the attractiveness and global competitiveness of African higher education and research and establish the African University at the core of Africa’s development.

The PAU will greatly boost the population and retention of high-level human resources and quality knowledge outputs and be able to attract the best intellectual capacity from all over the world. Africa acknowledges the fact that social and economic development is not possible without substantive investment in higher education and research. The PAU was launched as the African Union (AU) undertook the evaluation of the Second Decade of Education for Africa.

The strategic mission of the PAU is to develop institutions of excellence in science, technology, innovation, social sciences and governance, which would constitute the bedrock for an African pool of higher education and research. This would usher in a new generation of leaders properly trained to take the best advantage of African human and material resources, imbued with the common vision of a peaceful, prosperous and integrated Africa.


The training and research activities of the PAU focus on the following priorities and objectives:

  1. To develop continent-wide and world-class graduate and postgraduate programs in science, technology, innovation, humanities, social sciences and governance.
  2. To stimulate collaborative, internationally competitive, cutting-edge, fundamental- and economic- growth-oriented research, in areas having a direct bearing on the scientific, economic and social development of Africa.
  3. To enhance the mobility of students and academic staff among African universities to improve on teaching and collaborative research.
  4. To contribute to the capacity building needs of present and future stakeholders of the African Union.
  5. To improve the attractiveness of African higher education and research institutions to attract and retain talented young professionals on the African continent.
  6. To initiate and invigorate mutually beneficial partnerships with public and private sectors within Africa and the Diaspora as well as internationally.
  7. To facilitate the emergence and strengthening of an African higher education and research platform.


Thematic and Geographic Scope:

The PAU is an academic network of existing African institutions operating at the graduate level, and comprises five Institutes corresponding to the thematic areas:

  1. Water and Energy (including climate change), PAUWES, hosted by the University of Tlemcen in Algeria for North Africa
  2. Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture), PAULESI, hosted by the University of Ibadan in Nigeria for Western Africa
  3. Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation, PAUSTI, hosted by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya for Eastern Africa
  4. Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences, PAUGHSS, hosted by the University of Yaoundé II in Cameroon for Central Africa
  5. Space Sciences, PAUSS, to be hosted by South Africa for Southern Africa

Affiliated to each Institute, there shall be a network of Centres located on the continent working on similar thematic areas. The Centres of the PAU shall be identified following a competitive process. To carry out its mandate effectively, the PAU may enter into agreements and contracts with governments, international organizations or other relevant partners, for pedagogic, research, management and funding purposes. Hosting Agreements shall be signed between the Commission and the host countries of Institutes and Centres, and Tripartite agreements between AUC, Host Countries, and Key Thematic Partners.


Host Universities:

PAU Institutes in four of Africa’s five regions are embedded within existing universities of excellence in those regions. They are as follows:

  1. The Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, hosting the PAU Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change (PAUWES), in Algeria (Northern Africa)
  2. The University of Ibadan, hosting the PAU Institute for Life and Erath Sciences (including Health and Agriculture, PAULESI), in Nigeria (Western Africa)
  3. The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology hosting the PAU Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI), in Kenya (Eastern Africa)
  4. The University of Yaounde II, hosting the PAU Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS), in Cameroon (Central Africa)


PAU Masters and PhD Programmes:

Programmes offered by the PAU Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS)

  • MA Conference Interpreting
  • MA Governance and Regional Integration
  • MA Trans Border Languages (Kiswahili option)
  • MA Translation
  • PhD Governance and Regional Integration

Programmes offered by the PAU Institute of Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI): 

  • MSc. Civil Engineering (Arid and Semi-Arid Land option)
  • MSc. Civil Engineering (Structural option)
  • MSc. Civil Engineering (Structural option)
  • MSc. Electrical Engineering) (Power Systems option)
  • MSc. Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications option)
  • MSc. Mathematics (Computational option)
  • MSc. Mathematics (Financial option)
  • MSc. Mathematics (Statistics option)
  • MSc. Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
  • PhD Civil Engineering (Arid and Semi-Arid Land option)
  • PhD Civil Engineering (Structural option)
  • PhD Electrical Engineering) (Power Systems option)
  • PhD Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications option)
  • PhD Mathematics (Computational option)
  • PhD Mathematics (Financial option)
  • PhD Mathematics (Statistics option)
  • PhD Molecular Biology & Biotechnology


Programmes offered by the PAU Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture (PAULESI):

  • MSc. Environmental Management
  • MSc. Geosciences (Mineral Exploration option)
  • MSc. Geosciences (Petroleum Geosciences option)
  • MSc. Health Sciences (Reproductive Biology option)
  •  MSc. Health Sciences (Reproductive Health option)
  • MSc. Plant Breeding
  •  PhD Environmental Management
  • PhD Geosciences (Mineral Exploration option)
  • PhD Geosciences (Petroleum Geosciences option)
  • PhD Health Sciences (Reproductive Biology option)
  • PhD Health Sciences (Reproductive Health option)
  • PhD Plant Breeding

Programmes offered by the PAU Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change (PAUWES):

  • MSc. Water (Engineering option)
  • MSc. Water (Policy option)
  • MSc. Energy (Engineering option)
  • MSc. Energy (Policy option)


Common Courses for all PAU Programmes:

  • History of Africa
  • Gender and Human Rights



The PAU is financed through the following sources:

  1. Settlement of an Endowment Fund
  2. Budgetary resources provided by AUC , Host Countries and Key Thematic Partners:
    • AUC : Scholarships for students, mobility and honorarium for Teaching Staff
    • Host Country: Infrastructure and Running Costs. The country can mobilize this contribution through a Partner
    • Lead Thematic Partner : Support for Equipment, Academic Costs and Research
  3. Self-generated income through teaching and research by Institutes and Centers


PAU Scholarship Grants:

PAU offers full scholarships to all students enrolled into its programmes following a competitive admissions process. Calls for scholarship applications are issued and widely disseminated by the Rectorate and students apply online. PAU Institutes establish juries of local, regional and international experts to select students and Institute Boards submit the final list of selected students to the Rectorate. The PAU Senate makes final recommendations on student admission to the PAU Council. Before enrolment, each student signs a scholarship agreement specifying the conditions of the offer and the duties and responsibilities of both parties.
In the scholarship agreement, PAU Students are required to make an undertaking to serve any African Union Member State for a period equal to at least the duration of the scholarship after the successful completion of their studies. Students are obliged not to engage in any income generating activities that will interfere with their academic programmes. Student engagement in income generating activities shall be approved by the PAU Rectorate, only if such activities will not interfere with the student’s academic programme.


The scholarship grant covers the following costs:

  1. Tuition fees, paid directly to the relevant PAU institute.
  2. A stipend of $750 per month for Masters, and $1,100 for PhD students, to support the student’s living costs including food, housing, utilities, local transportation and medical insurance.
  3. Students not permanently resident in the country hosting the institute they are attending are entitled to a single, economy return air ticket for the most direct route between their country/city of permanent residence and the host country/city
  4. Students permanently resident in the country hosting the institute they are attending are entitled to $100 to cover the cost of their travel
  5. The PAU Rectorate reserves the right to terminate or suspend the grant if there is compelling evidence that the student has not complied with any of the provisions of the scholarship agreement.

Pan African University website