Port Elizabeth TVET College Schools and Campuses

Port Elizabeth TVET College Schools and Campuses

Port Elizabeth TVET College Schools and Departments – See Details Below:

Port Elizabeth TVET College School Of Business

The Russell Road Campus which is a historic building is situated in the Central Business area of Port Elizabeth. The site provides learners with spacious lecture rooms, a fully equipped resources centre, simulated centres for practical experience and cafeteria. The well-equipped Hospitality venue at this site is optimally utilized by the learners as well as outside companies.
The hairdressing Salon falls nothing short of a professional hair studio that provides the community and the general public with a service rendered by the students as part of their practical training.
Computer labs are well equipped with one computer per learner in a group. Offices and boardrooms for meetings complete this venue. This campus is situated to the advantage of the working class who wishes to further their education at night and that is why throughout the year a hustle and bustle of students are evident at this site. Strict security measures are in place to protect all patrons of the institution. In total 1641 students enrolled for 2013 full time, part time 321 students, 82 educators, 23 support staff and 14 general workers.

Full time NCV programmes offered at Russell Road Campus:

  • National Certificate Marketing
  • National Certificate Information Technology and Computer Science
  • National Certificate Finance, Economics and Accounting

Skills Programmes and Short Courses offered at Russell Road Campus:

  • National Certificate Bookkeeping NQF 3
  • Further Education & Training Certificate NQF 4
  • National Certificate small business Management NQF 4
  • Pastel Payroll Certified Installer (PCI)
  • Pastel Partner 11 intermediate NQF 4 (skills)
  • Certificate: Office Administration NQF 5
  • Higher Certificate in Marketing NQF 5
  • Higher Certificate in Export Management NQF 5
  • Certificate in Business Management (Principles) NQF 5
  • Diploma in Business management (Practice) NQF 5
  • National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting NQF 5
  • National Diploma: Financial Accounting NQF 6
  • Diploma: Office Administration NQF 6
  • National Certificate Hairdressing NQF 2, 3, 4


Port Elizabeth TVET College School of Engineering

Port Elizabeth TVET College School of Engineering – See Details Below:

Over the years Nelson Mandela has become known as “the hub” of Engineering with major companies such as Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford based in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage.
The products and services produced in engineering sector plays an integral role in the growth of our country’s economy, thus industry is always on the lookout for well-trained engineering artisans. All the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) courses in the engineering field, offered at PE College, are offered on a full-time basis over a period of three years at levels 2, 3 and 4 on the National Qualifications Framework. The curriculum for the engineering qualification is comprised of both theory and practical work. The practical component is offered in a real workplace environment, which is set up at the college in the form of a simulated workplace. There are currently four Engineering Studies programs offered at the Iqhayiya Campus. The four programs are Engineering and Related Design, Electrical Infrastructure Construction, Civil Engineering Construction and Mechatronics. In order to obtain a qualification in any of the four Engineering vocations, a student is required to take a total of seven subjects whereby the following fundamental subjects are compulsory for each course.

  • Language which must be in the language of teaching and learning
  • Mathematics or Math Literacy
  • Life Orientation

Minimum entry requirements

  • A year end school report for grade 9 or higher
  • An NQF level 1 qualification
  • An approved bridging program designed for the specific purpose to access NQF level 2
  • A recognition of prior learning assessment to meet the basic requirements for access to NQF level 2

Engineering and Related Design involves all aspects of engineering design in the mechanical, geological and fabrication engineering fields. Civil Engineering and Building Construction covers construction, masonry building and woodworking design, drainage and sanitation and a practical, theoretical management and design environment. Electrical  Infrastructure Construction cover heavy current overhead power lines in the domestic, civil and industrial business and light current in the form of digital and electronics in the communications, industrial electronics and sound engineering fields and instrumentation. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary approach to engineering which has become a key to many different productions and processes. Modern systems have reached a level of sophistication which would have been hard to imagine using the traditional methods. The integration of mechatronics, electronics, control and computing utilizes and exceeds the relative advantages of single disciplines, and when they are integrated, high levels of performance are reached.


Port Elizabeth TVET College School of Hospitality and Tourism

Port Elizabeth TVET College School of Hospitality and Tourism – See Details Below:

The Hospitality industry consists of a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise lining and a number of additional fields. The hospitality industry is a billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A Hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups, such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing and human resources. Students who enter the hospitality industry need to keep in mind that this involves a specific lifestyle, thus requiring authenticity, professionalism and actual concern for the happiness and well being of their customers. This will ensure the success of your career.

A career choice in Tourism is highly challenging and demanding, long working hours over weekends and holidays. Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the South African economy. The Tourism industry is a service industry and therefore professional presentation of yourself and your product is of the utmost importance.

Port Elizabeth College always strives for excellence in giving their students the best education experience ever.  A fully operational travel agency, restaurant and bed and breakfast allow students to gain practical experience in their learning environment.

The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) courses in the Hospitality and Tourism offered at PE College are offered on a full-time basis over a period of three years at levels 2, 3 and 4 on the National Qualifications Framework. The curricula for these qualifications comprise of both theory and practical work. The practical component is offered in a real workplace environment, which is set up at the college in the form of a simulated workplace. If you are creative, innovative and extraordinarily passionate about cooking, you can enrol for this challenging yet rewarding program called hospitality.
Minimum entry requirements:

  •    A year end school report for grade 9 or higher
  •    An NQF level 1 qualification
  •    An approved bridging program designed for the specific purpose to access NQF level 2
  •    A recognition of prior learning assessment to meet the basic requirements for access to NQF level 2


Port Elizabeth TVET College National Certificate Vocational

Port Elizabeth TVET College National Certificate Vocational – See Details Below:

National Certificate Vocational

The Department of Education introduced the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at Public Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in 2007. The NCV offers programmes of study in a variety of vocational fields. The programmes are intended to directly respond to the priority skills demands of the South African Economy.

The National Certificate Vocational is offered at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The qualification is designed to provide both theory and practical experience in a particular vocational field. The practical component of the study may be offered in the workplace environment. Students have an opportunity to experience work situations during the period of study.