UCT Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance Application

UCT Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance Application

UCT Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance Application – see details below on how to apply online…

Apply online
All postgraduate applications must be made online. You will need a working email address and your South African identity number, or, if you are an international applicant, your passport number.
Apply Online via the main UCT website
Should you experience any difficulties with your application please contact the Admissions Office.
Postgraduate Enquiries
Email: admissions-pg@uct.ac.za
Tel: 021 650 2128
Fax: 021 650 5189
Postal address
The Admissions Office
University of Cape Town
c/o Bremner Building Lower Campus
South Africa

Physical address
The Admissions Office
University of Cape Town
Level 4
Masingene Building
Middle Campus
Cape Town
South Africa