UJ Short Learning Programmes

UJ Short Learning Programmes


“Outstanding lawyers and a sound legal system are prerequisites of any civilized society. The legal system provides the rules within which the state’s administration, the business world, individuals and organizations, indeed the whole community operate. In any country in which the law reigns supreme, lawyers must apply legal rules and act as watchdogs to ensure that everyone adheres to the norms of society. Because the law plays an immense and far-reaching role, legal studies cover a wide and exciting field: the rules of the tough business world and the business entities operating within it, the protection of human rights, intimate family relationships, the prosecution of criminals and the conclusions of contracts, to name but a few.” These are the words of the former dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof LG Mpedi.

To enhance the skills of persons who are in a career the Faculty of Law presents several diploma and certificate programmes in specialized fields of legal practice. These short study programmes have been specifically developed to address the needs that have been identified in the workplace. Dedicated commitment is required from persons who decide to embark on studies on a part-time basis and the Faculty of Law endeavours to support students where possible to make their studies a pleasurable and successful experience.

There is a variety of offerings available on a part-time basis at the Faculty of Law. Please note that each programme has its own relevant admission requirements. 


An application form can be obtained from the Faculty. 
Please attach a certified copy of your ID document/ passport and certified copies of your matric certificate and/or previous qualifications and CV (if relevant) to your application form.

Foreign applicants should note the relevant legislative requirements outlined further in this document.

Contact details
W Kokwane
011 559 3739
welheminahk@uj.ac.za or lawcep@uj.ac.za
For course-specific contact details click here.

Every programme has its own relevant tuition fee and is available in the individual programme brochures.

Other administrative fees (compulsory):
In addition to the tuition fees, certain administrative fees need to be paid as well, including an application fee, registration fee, and ICT levy.
NB: Please contact the Faculty to obtain the correct admin fees for the current academic year.
*Official quotations may be obtained on request.
International students
International students pay an additional levy.   Please contact Student Finance at +27 (0) 11 559 2981/3776.

Foreign Applicants

Who is regarded as a foreigner in South Africa?
When a foreign person is accepted for studies in South Africa such a person is referred to as an international student. An international student is not a South African resident or does not have permanent residency in South Africa.


As all these programmes are presented on a part-time basis a special permit is therefore not necessary to attend lectures.  

Foreign qualifications

Applicants interested in applying to study any of our non-formal programmes and who have completed a foreign school leaving certificate or foreign post-school qualification should contact the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for an evaluation.

Please include the SAQA evaluation when applying for a study programme.

SAQA Contact details (evaluation of foreign qualifications)
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
Centre for the Evaluation of Educational Qualifications (CEEQ)
Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06
Waterkloof, Pretoria, SA, 0145
The University of Johannesburg’s Short Learning Programmes in Law is interactive and informative. Each Programme allows you to enhance your skills and apply them within your organisations.
Legal and business environments are evolving globally and changing market needs have placed further demands on organisations to enhance the skills of their employees to meet current demands.
Download a summary of all Law SLP’s here.

New programmes

Given the financial turmoil caused by the COVID-19 lockdown and the downgrades by rating agencies, the number of businesses experiencing financial difficulties is set to increase dramatically. The demand for trained and experienced business rescue practitioners is thus likely to continue rising. The programme is also aimed at directors, lawyers, legal advisors, auditors, financial advisors, bankers, businesspersons, and trade union representatives. The short learning programme in business rescue is now offered in a fully online format. 
The programme covers the scope and underlying principles of business rescue and thoroughly analyses the substantive law and procedure of the legal process. It also focuses on the practical implications of business rescue.

More information is in the brochure below:
SLP Business Rescue.pdf

With the rapid ever-increasing demand to embrace the benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and to standardise the challenges that these ICTs engender, this programme brochures the intersection between the law and 4IR.
The programme addresses the many topical issues relating to the relevance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to the Information or Knowledge Society.

More info on the course and steps on how to apply are outlined in the brochure below:
SLP Law and Industry.pdf

Other career-enhancing programmes 

Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Compliance
**The following programmes form part of the Postgraduate Diploma Compliance:
– Money Laundering Control
– Compliance Management
– Board Governance
– Basic Interpretation of Theory
**Each programme must be done separately as a so-called stand-alone course
2 years    Postgrad Diploma in Compliance.pdf

Modules must be applied individually
Certificate Money Laundering 6 months Money Laundering Control.pdf
Certificate Compliance Management 6 months Compliance Management.pdf
Certificate Board Governance 6 months Board Governance.pdf
Certificate Basic Interpretation of Theory (exit module of PGD Compliance) 6 months Only offered as an exit module
Certificate in Legislative Drafting 6 months Legislative Drafting upd.pdf * Not presented in 2023
Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigations 1 year Criminal Justice.pdf
Postgraduate Diploma International Taxation 1 year PG Dip Tax International upd.pdf
*Not presented in 2023
Postgraduate Diploma Tax Law 2 years Postgraduate Diploma Tax Law.pdf
Postgraduate Diploma Drafting and Interpretation of Contracts 1 year PostGrad Drafting and Interpretation of Contracts.pdf
Advance Certificate in Labour Law 1 year **Presented based on demand
National Diploma Law (Paralegal Studies) 3 years Diploma in Law Paralegal Studies.pdf
Paralegal Bridging Programme  2 days Paralegal Bridging Programme.pdf
Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law 1 year Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law.pdf
  • Fees are subject to change
  • Please note that universities are bringing their qualifications in line with the new Higher Education Qualification Framework, which may result in qualifications being renamed.
  • Certain programmes will only be presented where the demand so warrants the presentation thereof.
  • Note: The short learning programmes in International Taxation will not be presented in 2023. A possible new intake will only be in 2023. 

NB: The University of Johannesburg retains the right to change any information without prior notice.