UKZN School of Built Environment and Development Studies Contact Details

UKZN School of Built Environment and Development Studies Contact Details

UKZN School of Built Environment Contact Details – Check below:

School Administration
Angeline Msomi
Ms. Thuli A. Msomi
School Administrator
031 260 1112
A858, 8th Floor Shepstone Building
Office of the Dean and Head of School
Ms. Lindiwe Nhlapho
PA to the Dean
031 260 1759 (Howard)
Room 870, 8th Floor Shepstone Building
Student Enquiries
Miss. Ranjinie Naicker
(Undergraduate Studies) Research and Higher Degrees Officer
Architecture, Housing
031 260 2693
Room 858, 8th Floor Shepstone Building

Miss. Nolundi Mzolo
(Postgraduate Studies) Teaching and Learning Officer
Architecture, Housing
031 260 2689
Room 858, 8th Floor Shepstone Building

Mr. Kogan Naicker
Undergraduate Studies
Community Development
031 260 2340
Administrative Office
Ms. Lucia Zethu Jali
PG-Research & Higher Degrees
031 260 2287
A708, 7th Floor, Shepstone Building