United College of Education Exam Timetable

United College of Education Exam Timetable

United College of Education Exam Timetable 2019/2020 – See Details of United College of Education Exam Timetable 2019/2020.

The Management of United College of Education has released the Exam Timetable for 2019/2020 Academic Season.


The Pre-Service and Special Needs Education comprise four sections namely Teaching Practice, Theory of Education, Main Study and Professional Studies. Students are expected to pass each of these sections.

Teaching Practice

The aim of the course is to produce a professionally dynamic classroom practitioner who is able to integrate theory with practice. Both the Pre-Service and SNE students are examined on teaching practice. In the case of        Pre-Service, students are required to go on a five-term school attachment after their initial two terms at college.

The SNE students however, go for their teaching practice during the third term of their course. During this period, the students are supervised and assessed by the College and school. The final assessment is done by external assessors from the Department of Teacher Education, University of Zimbabwe.

Theory of Education

The aim of the course is to expose students to knowledge,    principles and skills which form the basis of educational practice.

Students are examined in all the following subjects in Theory of Education; Curriculum Studies, Educational Management, Philosophy of Education, Psychology of Education and Sociology of Education.

Professional Studies

The aim of the course is to enable the students to manage and carry out the various learning activities in a meaningful and creative way so that effective learning occurs.

The course consists of the following:-


Syllabus ‘A’ which deals with the principles and methods of teaching in general.

Syllabus ‘B’ which deal with the content and methods in the teaching of the primary school subjects.

Syllabus ‘C’ which comprises the Curriculum Depth Study (CDS) project which deals with classroom based research.

Special Needs Education

General Foundations which deals with the principles, methods and techniques of mentoring children with special need.

Main Study

The aim of the course is to produce a student who is knowledgeable and skilled in the selected subject at first year university level, so that they are able to act as resource persons and offer a more specialized service in the schools. The course is offered in the primary school subjects for the pre-service and in the area of specialization for the SNE.

See Also: