University of Kwazulu Natal School of Applied Human Sciences

University of Kwazulu Natal School of Applied Human Sciences

UKZN School of Applied Human Sciences – Check below:


The leading university school of applied human sciences scholarship in Africa
A truly South African university school of choice that is academically excellent,
Innovative in research, entrepreneurial and critically engaged with society

The School has 4462 registered students (undergraduate: 3635, postgraduate: 827 [honnours, masters and doctoral]). This cohort represent 9.3% of all the students registered at the University, and 20.2% of all students registered within the College of Humanities. By implication, on average, 4.1% more compared to the other 18 schools in the University, and 3.5% more compared to the other 5 schools in the College of Humanities. The School’s undergraduate student to permanent staff ratio (headcount not module count) is 67.31. That is, 9.91 more than any other school in the College of Humanities. The School of Applied Human Sciences has 68 permanent members of staff (academic [57; 61% women] [33 {58% with completed doctoral degrees}] and professional support [11; 100% women]) (academics: 14 professors [1 senior professor, 9 full professors, and 4 associate professors] [34% women], 6 senior lecturers, 34 lecturers, and 3 development lecturers). The School also has 5 emeritus professors, 23 honorary appointees, and 6 postdocs. On average, the School produces 58 research publication author units, and 7 of the School’s permanent academic staff members have a National Research Foundation (NRF) rating. The School has a graduation rate of 25%, and offers the following programmes:

Bachelor of Arts (3 year degree) and Bachelor of Social Science (3 year degree), major/specialising in:

  • Criminology and Forensic Studies
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Psychology

Bachelor of Social Work (4 year professional degree)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Counselling
Bachelor of Social Science Honours Criminology and Forensic Studies
Bachelor of Social Science Honours Culture, Communication and Media Studies
Bachelor of Social Science Honours Psychology
Bachelor of Social Science Honours Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Master of Arts and Master of Social Science, specialising in:

  • Criminology and Forensic Studies
  • Culture, Communication and Media Studies
  • Psychology (Clinical Psychology; Counselling Psychology; Educational Psychology; Health Promotion; Health Research Ethics; Industrial Psychology; Research Psychology; Masters by Research)

Master of Social Science: Social Work
Doctor of Philosophy Social Sciences, specialising in:

  • Criminology and Forensic Studies
  • Culture, Communication and Media Studies
  • Psychology
  • Social Work

UKZN School of Applied Human Sciences Contact Details
UKZN School of Applied Human Sciences Courses Offered