University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN School of Social Sciences

University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN School of Social Sciences

University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN School of Social Sciences – Check below:

UKZN embarked on a reconfiguration process which gave birth to a College model. Within the College of Humanities, the School of Social Sciences was formed. The School is comprised of three former Schools: the School of Anthropology, Gender and Historical Studies; the School of Politics and the School of Sociology and Social Studies. It is fully operational on both Howard and Pietermaritzburg campuses.
The School is under the leadership of the Dean/Head of School: Prof Vivian Ojong. 
The two main components of the School are Research and Higher Degrees.  Professor Maheshvari Naidu is the Head of Research and Dr Janet Muthuki is the Head of  Teaching and Learning.
This new School has a long history of sharing modules, staff and students. The disciplines share a very high degree of common features including academic coherence and interdisciplinarity in their offerings. They are largely non-applied or professional programmes and will continue to serve as a popular service School that provides module options and graduates for other programmes. The new School has the critical mass to develop cutting edge collaborative research clusters.
The School is supported by a dynamic and efficient support team. Its main objective is to ensure that all the School activities are operating and supported effectively.
Howard College Campus (031 260 2627)
University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN School of Social Sciences Contact

University of Kwazulu Natal UKZN School of Social Sciences Courses