By | July 11, 2022

University of Limpopo School Of Law

University of Limpopo School of Law and Departments

University of Limpopo School of Law and Departments – See Details Below:

The School of Law congratulates all of you for your admission into the chain of production of greater legal minds in the country. Your desire to join a crop of creative and excellent legal thinkers and scholars is highly appreciated, and noted as an altruistic commitment to fostering the quest of Finding Solutions for Africa. The School of Law shall continue to proffer its students progressive opportunities through excellent teaching and learning, research and community engagement practices.  We are committed to contributing immensely to building our student’s reputable career in the legal profession. Our commitment derives from the fact that we aim to excel in perfecting acquisition of applied knowledge and skills that prepare our students to have a better future. Upon completion of a law degree at Turf, both your internal and external capabilities would have improved tremendously because of the practical and theoretical experiences that we offer across all levels in both ECP and Mainstream programmes.

The School of Law promotes the augmentation of academic activities through discovery, experiential learning and equitable or sustainable social order.

The School of Law consists of four (4) departments:

  • Department of Jurisprudence, Legal Pluralism, Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Department of Mercantile and Labour Law
  • Department of Private Law
  • Department of Public and Environmental Law

At undergraduate level, the School offers two LLB Programmes. The programmes are a four-year LLB (Mainstream) programme and a five-year LLB degree (Extended or ECP) programme. These programmes prepare students to become, inter alia, an advocate, attorney, prosecutor, magistrate, judge, legal advisor, consultant, mediator, researcher, legal editor, lecturer or professor of law.

At postgraduate level, the School offers Master of Laws degree (Coursework and Mini-Dissertation, and Full Research). The Coursework and Mini-Dissertation programmes are in specialised areas of Development and Management Law and Labour Law, whereas the Full-Research programme is done per department. The School also offers an opportunity to enrol for a Doctor of Laws degree (LLD), whose admission criteria is determined according to departments’ various specialised law fields.


To be a leading conveyer of high quality teaching and learning, research and legal-intellectual development.
Mission Statement
The School of Law is committed to reinforcing a culture of teaching, learning and research that instils values that encourage heightened community-based social responsibility and community engagement.

University of Limpopo School Of Law Contact Address
University of Limpopo School Of Law Departments