University of South Africa Unisa Department of Mathematics Education Courses

University of South Africa Unisa Department of Mathematics Education Courses

Department of Mathematics Education

Some modules have more than one lecturer listed. Please consult tutorial letter 101 for more information.

Module Lecturer
ADM3701: Advanced Education In Data Handling And Probability In The Intermediate Phase Dr. T Makgakga
ADM3702: Advanced Education In Functions And Basic Algebra In The Intermediate Phase Ms. PD Motseki
ADM3703: Advanced Education In Measurement, Space And Shape In The Intermediate Phase Mr. CM Moila
ADM3704: Advanced Education In Numbers, Operations And Relations In The Intermediate Phase Mr. CM Moila
ADM3705: Advanced Education In Mathematics In Society In The Intermediate Phase Prof. MM Phoshoko
HBEDAIQ: Analyse The Impact Of The Curriculum On Effective Mathematical Practices Prof. MF Machaba
HBEDAMU: Analyse Modelling In School Mathematics Prof. MM Phoshoko
LADMMM6: Teaching Mathematics (SP Subject Didactics) Dr. MM Masilo
MAE101J: Numbers And Operations In Intermediate And Senior Phase Ms. PD Motseki
MAE102K: Spatial Development, Geometry And Trigonometry In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics Ms. PD Motseki
MAE103L: Measurement In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics Mr. MA Ngoveni
MAE104M: Assessment In The Intermediate And Senior Mathematics Mr. MA Ngoveni
MAE201M: Pre-Algebra and Algebra in Intermediate and Senior Mathematics Mr. GT Mphuthi
MAE202N: Statistics Education In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics Ms. EG Makwakwa
MAE203P: Basic Financial Mathematics In Intermediate And Senior Phase Mr. MC Moila
MAE204Q: Technology And Media In Intermediate And Senior Phase Mr. AS Zondo
MIP1501: Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers I Mr. PE Rankweteke
MIP1502: Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers II Mr. GT Mphuthi
MIP2601: Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers III Prof. MF Machaba
MIP2602: Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers IV Ms. EG Makwakwa
MSE2183: Geometry (Mathematics 218 For Bed) Dr. MM Masilo
MTE1501: Mathematics 1 For Teachers Dr. MC Du Plooy
MTE1502: Mathematics 2 For Teachers Dr. MC Du Plooy
OPM1501: Orientation To Intermediate Phase Mathematics Mrs. CM Machaba
PFC102R: Professional Studies Theme B: Teaching Mathematics And Natural Sciences Prof. MF Machaba
SDMAT04: FET Subject Didactics Mathematics Education Prof. ZMM Jojo
SDMATLK: FET Subject Didactics Mathematical Literacy Prof. ZMM Jojo
TMN3704: Teaching Mathematics Mrs. SM Kodisang
TMS3724: Teaching Mathematical Literacy In Further Education And Training Mr. AS Zondo
TMS3725: Teaching Mathematics In Further Education And Training Dr. T Makgakga
TMS3726: Teaching Mathematics In The Senior Phase Dr. MM Masilo