University of Stellenbosch Information Science Department

University of Stellenbosch Information Science Department

University of Stellenbosch Information Science Department

University of Stellenbosch Information Science Department – See Details Below:

We manage the academic offering of Informatics in the environment of the Economic, Social and Management Sciences at Stellenbosch University. 3 comprehensive Programmes are offered, one in the Faculty of Economic Science and two in the Faculty of Social Sciences. All in all we have a presence in 5 faculties. Together with our peers, the Departments of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (who function in the environment of the Natural and Engineering Sciences) we form the cluster of IT departments at Stellenbosch University.

On a head count basis we deal with approximately 2 500 individual students every year. On average we host 800 under-graduate students from the Faculties of Social and Economic/Management Sciences. On average there are 140 students at either Honours, Masters or Doctoral levels, from all over the subcontinent of Africa. 1 600 students from 4 faculties follow our service modules in Computer and Information Skills, and from time to time various short courses are offered.
Research is of primary importance. The foci vary in accordance with staff interest and are to some extent influenced by the topics covered by the large number of Master’s students. Our goal is to mobilise research energy and resources to focus on the developmental challenges of subcontinental Africa.
Networking is an important aspect of our activities. Thus extensive participation in global academic societies and cooperation with leading centres abroad are high on the agenda. So also is industry interface and teaching and research participation by colleagues from industry actively promoted.

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