University of Stellenbosch Physics Department

University of Stellenbosch Physics Department

University of Stellenbosch Physics Department

University of Stellenbosch Physics Department – See Details Below:

Physics at Stellenbosch University
The physics department was established in 1903 and celebrated the centenary in 2003, making it one of the oldest Physics Departments in South Africa. The researchers at the Physics department were instrumental in the establishment of the Southern Universities Nuclear Institute which lead to the establishment of iThemba LABS, as well as the establishment of the National Laser Centre at the CSIR and the African Laser Centre. The theoretical physics researchers were the driving force in the establishment of the National Institute of Theoretical Physics.
The research groups have strong international collaborative ties. Numerous extraordinary professors and other researchers visit the department on a regular basis.
Our active research environment boasts a high number of NRF rated researchers and a SARChI chair in ultrafast laser science.

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