University of the Free State Department of Chemical Pathology

University of the Free State Department of Chemical Pathology

University of the Free State Department of Chemical Pathology – check below:

Who is the Department of Chemical Pathology?

The University of the Free State (UFS) Department of Chemical Pathology performs biochemical investigations on blood, urine and other samples from patients and interprets the results for diagnostic, screening or monitoring purposes.

 General Information

The department is actively involved in phase II and III teaching of undergraduate medical students. On the post-graduate level we train MMed candidates in;

  • family medicine,
  • anaesthetics,
  • surgery,
  • internal medicine and
  • peadiatrics.

We also offer programmes to prospective qualified medical practitioners who wish to become registered chemical pathologists or clinical pathologists. To prospective candidates with a baccalareus degree in the natural sciences we offer the degree B Med Sc (Hon) course leading onto the degree M Med Sc in chemical pathology.


We are actively involved in research projects on;

  • the effect of free radicals, iron, and antioxidants on ischaemic tissue damage and
  • the oxidisation of lipoproteins
  • the effects of HIV infection and AIDS on the biochemical laboratory investigations.
  • Joint projects with the Department of Human Nutrition include investigations into obesity, insulin resistance in the black community, diabetes mellitus and infertility.

 Clinical Services

The department delivers a comprehensive clinical chemistry laboratory service to the Bloemfontein Academic Complex and  is actively involved in the clinical trails conducted by the clinical departments.