University of the Free State UFS African Languages Department

University of the Free State UFS African Languages Department

University of the Free State UFS African Languages Department – Check below:

Welcome to the website of the Department of African Languages at the University of the Free State! Our departments were established in 1951 and 1982 at the Bloemfontein and Qwaqwa campuses respectively. Both departments share the same curriculum and operate under the same strategic objectives with some differentiated niche areas. On our website we provide an outline of the scope of our undergraduate and postgraduate courses, admission requirements and general information captured on our departmental broachers.

At undergraduate level, there is a variety of modules offered in Sesotho and isiZulu at Qwaqwa campus and Sesotho (mother tongue and non-mother tongue) only at Bloemfontein campus, as well as conversational short learning course in Sesotho for none academic purposes at both campuses.
At postgraduate level, provision is made for Sesotho honours programme, while master’s and doctoral research studies accommodate Sesotho language groups, namely, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi.
The department offers language courses that provides basic language skills which are fundamental to careers in language practice such as translation and interpretation, text editing and creative writing. They also serves as fundamental course for student teachers, radio announcers and other community based professions. It provides linguistic and literary theories for all students who would like to be researchers in African languages.
For further information, please contact us:

Faculty of Humanities
Department of African languages
P.O. Box 339

T: +27 51 401 2256
Fax: +27 51 401 3223