University of the Free State UFS Department of Drama and Theatre Arts

University of the Free State UFS Department of Drama and Theatre Arts

UFS Department of Drama and Theatre Arts – Check below:

The Department of Drama and Theatre Arts is not only one of the biggest of its kind in the country, but is also nationally known for exceptional academic as well as artistic training of drama students.

The personnel consists of a team of academically strong experts, who have made their mark within the professional private sector and are still in high demand as professional writers, directors and actors. Senior staff members also serve as external assessors for postgraduate studies at other universities.
The Course
BA Drama and Theatre Arts is a three-year degree. The course consists of four components: The history of the performing arts, theories of the performing arts, performance art and technical aspects of the performing arts.
The history component focuses on the origin and development of drama and theatre practices from Greek times through to the Renaissance period, ending with theatre practices in the 21st century. The component also includes the birth of cinema and the history of cinema from 1920 until today. The history of the performing arts (film and theatre) in Southern Africa forms an important part of this component.

The theory component looks at the theoretical aspects of performing arts with a focus on script analysis, acting, movement, and speech theories.
The practical component focuses on the practical application of theories studied in the theory component.
The third year of study consists of history of the performing arts, theories of the performing arts and a chosen specialisation component. The specialisation modules are Performance Art 3 (advanced acting, which includes theatre directing), Technical Aspects of the Performing Arts 3, or Film Practice 3.
Postgraduate Studies
To enrol for a postgraduate degree, a student must have completed the preliminary degree with a mark of 60% or more and must have been accepted for the course by the head of department. UFS Department of Drama and Theatre Arts
Our Facilities
Training and productions take place in modern facilities that include three fully equipped theatres, a sound and video studio, exceptional classrooms and workshops. Professional artists that perform here, e.g. at the Vrystaat Kunstefees, praise our facilities and staff as the best of their kind in the country.
After your studies
Drama students can consider careers in the broad entertainment industry, which includes the professional stage, industrial theatre, television, and film industries as actors, dramatists, directors, or producers. With the completion of a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) students can also enter education as teachers in Arts and Culture or Dramatic Arts.