By | July 19, 2022

University of the Witwatersrand Economics and Finance Department

University of the Witwatersrand Economics Department – See Details Below:

The Wits Economics Division today is a vibrant collection of faculty and students. The Division’s faculty have published their research in a range of academic journals, including Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economics Letters, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Development Economics, Nature and World Development. Many faculty members have served in various offices of the Economic Society of South Africa, Economic Research Southern Africa and Legatum Institute, London, and sit in various editorial boards, including South African Journal of Economics, Development Southern Africa and Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice. Teaching topics in the Division span a wide range of issues in microeconomics and macroeconomics, data analysis, development and growth, health, and public economics.
Wits is centered at the heart of African financial markets. In the modern world, the economy revolves round finance and South Africa has always been understood to have world-class financial markets and institutions. The Finance program at Wits equips graduates to operate within these financial markets. The focus of the courses is conceptually based and covers the two disciples of Finance viz., Corporate Finance and Investment. The Finance courses offered by SEF equip students to operate comfortably in any of the leading world financial markets. The Finance Division in SEF comprises a team of highly motivated and research productive academics with expertise in the areas of Investments and Corporate Finance. We are committed to work with students to prepare them for a successful career in finance.

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