By | July 18, 2022

University of Western Cape UWC School of Science and Mathematics Education

UWC School of Science and Mathematics Education – See Details Below:

The School of Science and Mathematics Education (SSME) plays a major role in the initial teacher education programmes offered by the Faculty of Education with respect to science and mathematics. At this level SSME participates in offering the B Ed (Senior Phase), wherein it is engaged in providing and equipping students with the requisite subject content and pedagogical content knowledge that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers in science and mathematics for the Senior Phase (Grades 7-9).
With effect from 2016, SSME is also responsible for teaching and facilitating on the newly introduced B Ed Foundation Phase Programme.  The School also contributes to improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools and higher education institutions through its programmes at B Ed, Honours, Masters and Doctoral levels by deepening the knowledge and expertise of educators, lecturers, subject advisors, education support personnel and policy makers in the field of science and mathematics. The research competence that the postgraduate students is envisaged to attain can contribute to the scholarship of the teaching and learning in the subjects (Science and Mathematics), which is a national requirement within the broader scope and context of the NQF.
SSME offers Masters by full thesis or structured modules plus mini-thesis. Admission into the Masters by full thesis is done annually while admission into the structured Masters programme is done bi-annually. Admission into the doctoral programme is based on a very good performance at the Masters level plus a good proposal and success in an interview conducted in the School. The staff of SSME is responsible for teaching modules in science, mathematics and technology education at the diploma, undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
This Science and Mathematics Education niche area addresses issues surrounding teaching and learning of Science, Mathematics and Technology. The research projects currently being focussed on are: The Science and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Project (SIKSP), The Indigenous Knowledge Systems Project (TIKSP), The Relevance of School of School Mathematics Education (ROSME), The Development of Teaching Mathematics, Language and Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Technology and Mathematics Teaching and Learning, the evaluation of outreach Science and Mathematics Education projects, and professional development of science educators.
Currently the staff is engaged in the following research projects:

  • Using argumentation as an instructional tool to implement an inclusive Science, Mathematics and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Curriculum.
  • Analysing Science and IKS Cosmological Worldviews of science teachers and learners.
  • Student and teachers’ development of Science-Indigenous Knowledge resources in under and post graduate programs.
  • Exploring relevant teaching methodologies in enacting an integrated Science-IK curriculum in classrooms.
  • Using innovative methods to enhance the teaching and learning of school science and mathematics. Social, political and historical issues in Mathematics.
  • Curriculum design, implementation and assessment in school science and mathematics.
  • Language of instruction in science and mathematics.
  • Technology in mathematics.
  • ADTOM Assessment- Driven Teaching of Mathematics.
  • Use of Zome Geometry Systems in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
  • Use of Geometry Sketchpad in Developing generalizations.
  • Mathematical problem solving and modelling.

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