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University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
- BSc Honours Degree in Biochemistry
- BSc Honours in Food Science and Technology
- BSc Honours in Biological Sciences
- BSc Honours Degree in Chemistry
- BSc Honours Degree in Computer Science
- BSc Honours in Geology
- BSc Honours Degree in Forensic Science
- BSc Honours in Geospatial Intelligence
- BSc Geography Honours in Geographical Biogeosciences
- BSc Geography Honours in Environmental Science
- BSc geography Honours in Human Environment
- BSc geography Honours in Geographical Information
- BSc Honours in Meteorology and Climate
- BSc Honours in Nutrition Science
- BSc Honours in Physics
- Master of Science in Mathematics
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Tropical Entomology
- Masters in Tropical Resource Ecology
- Master of Science in Computer Science
- Master of Science in Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries
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